ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

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"Messages not getting sent" #225

Open ExpandedVenture opened 2 years ago

ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago


Complaint from the Client: "Messages not getting sent".

ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago


use euler;

select i.create_time, i.inmessage_tries, p.name, u.username, u.delete_time, u.status, n.status, n.delete_time, count(distinct j.id) as canceled
--select count(h.id)
from [message] m with (nolock)
join lnchat h with (nolock) on ( m.id=h.id_message and h.direction=0 and h.inmessage_end_time is not null )
join lnchat i with (nolock) on ( i.id_result=h.id_result and i.id<>h.id and i.direction=0 and i.inmessage_end_time is null )

join result r with (nolock) on r.id=i.id_result
join [profile] p with (nolock) on p.id=r.id_profile

join lnuser u with (nolock) on u.id=i.id_lnuser

left join [message] n with (nolock) on n.id=i.id_message -- to know if the chat was canceled because because the message was deleted

left join lnchat j with (nolock) on ( -- canceled because a previous message?
    j.id_result=i.id_result and
    j.id<>i.id and
    j.id<>h.id and
    j.direction = 1 and
    j.create_time > i.create_time -- el mensaje entrante se detecto luego de haber creado el mensaje saliente, y antes de haber enviado el mensaje saliente

where m.id_pipeline='1BC2A8E4-D860-4ECC-B336-2AC1F90F01FC'
and m.trigger_type=0

group by i.create_time, i.inmessage_tries, p.name, u.username, u.delete_time, u.status, n.status, n.delete_time

order by n.status desc, i.create_time

12620 requests
1790 chats sent (automated followups, manual messages)
162 chats are still pending
17 chats are recently created messages, that are still in queue
The other 162-17=145 chats have been generated from deleted messages, so they are not elegible for delivery.
ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago


Our planner should delete all pending chats belonging deleted messages, and generate new followups using the new messages.