ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

Simple Service to Start Prospecting Online
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Client is not receiving Leads on linkedin profile #232

Closed anee786 closed 2 years ago

anee786 commented 2 years ago

Client name: Eric LeRiche lerichemarketing@gmail.com image


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

@anee786 This issue is a replication of https://github.com/leandrosardi/flywheel/issues/633.

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

@anee786 I just sent this ticket to the client:

Hello again Eric,

Anee reported this issue about group chats: https://github.com/ExpandedVenture/ConnectionSphere/issues/232

I am glad to say that this issue has been fixed.

I just created a transfer from your account, and the group chat between you and the leads has been created.

Please check out the 2 screenshots below.

I transferred another one yesterday and there is no sign of it and all th e other are not in my system either

There are 12 transfers created by you that are still stuck before they have been created before this fix patch release.

Please let me know if you want I reset them and get them delivered.

The leads are: Al Lucas Spiro Frangos John Paul Robinson Spiro Frangos Al Lucas Tony Kutch Alison Cowan Nancy "Nayana" Patel CHIA, CHO Don Kajans brian begos Kunal Mody Roosevelt R. Blake

I need to get this fixed asap because I want to upgrade to the Hulk level and send the leads to 4 different people so it needs to be working flawlessly

If you are still willing to upgrade, please use the link below: https://euler.connectionsphere.com/settings/filter_goto_invoice_paypal?iid=96F9709A-81C1-4661-B820-E42D6D668293

I always used Send and transfer because obviously I need to answer them

That is fine.

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

I am closing this issue.