ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

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"Send & Transfer" button is not working properly #233

Closed anee786 closed 2 years ago

anee786 commented 2 years ago

The client: lerichemarketing@gmail.com was pressing "Send & transfer" button to transfer the lead but either the message got pending or was cancelled. I pressed "transfer" button for the same lead and it got transferred as you can see in the screenshot below


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Hello @anee786

There is not any glith in the "Transfer" button.

That message was cancelled faily, because it was stuck stuck for a long time due this other issue: #232 , and the lead sent us a message before we could resolve that glich and deliver the stuck message.

Here is the technical information:


use euler;

select h.create_time, h.inmessage_end_time, h.direction, h.body
from lnchat h
where h.id_result='E7AD70E1-8B69-455C-B3D0-9B197018A3BE'
order by h.create_time



leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

I am closing this issue now.