ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

Simple Service to Start Prospecting Online
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Bogus email notification reported by the client #235

Closed anee786 closed 2 years ago

anee786 commented 2 years ago

This client eshopadventures@gmail.com is reporting that he has received bogus email about this leads. Because this lead has never sent any message from last 17 days. ( I have checked on linkedin account too, and client is right)


leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


@anee786 Inform the client that this glitch will take us one more day, and it will be fixed by next Monday.

I can find the lead George Boyadzhyan, as you can see in the link below: https://euler.connectionsphere.com/prospecting/responses?drl.responses.folder=0&drl.responses.id_pipeline=&drl.responses.profile_name=George%20Boya


BTW, this client has all his pipelines paused, as you can see in the pic below. Please ask him if that is fine? image

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Resuming to check this issue.

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


  1. The sales assistant has a different name in its profile.

  2. The whole conversations of this sales assistant are scraped wrongly, as is shown in the picture below.

  3. Each time a scrape the inbox, a new bogus message is added to the database, and an email notification is delivered to the client.



leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

This issue was happening when the name of our sales assistant was not exactly the same than the name registered in our database.

I just pushed a partial patch that will resolve the problem by now, but it is not a complete solution for long term.



leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


Use this query to check if this issue is still happening.

use euler;

 * This query is to find accounts with repetitive chats 
select top 1 c.name, u.username, p.name
from lnchat h with (nolock)
join lnuser u with (nolock) on u.id=h.id_lnuser
join [result] r with (nolock) on r.id=h.id_result
join search s with (nolock) on s.id=r.id_search
join [user] e with (nolock) on e.id=s.id_user
join client c with (nolock) on c.id=e.id_client
join [profile] p with (nolock) on p.id=r.id_profile
where h.create_time > dateadd(hh,-24,getdate())
and exists (
    select i.id
    from lnchat i with (nolock)
    where i.id_result=h.id_result
    and i.id<>h.id
    and cast(i.body as varchar(5000)) = cast(h.body as varchar(5000))
leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

@anee786 This issue has been fixed 1 week ago.