ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

Simple Service to Start Prospecting Online
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Prospecting Production Control Dashboard #269

Open leandrosardi opened 2 years ago

leandrosardi commented 2 years ago

Develop dashboard to see:

Report of Clients

  1. the full list of active clients, from all divisions,
  2. the number of subscriptions of each client,
  3. the number of accounts assigned to each client,
  4. the number of expected daily connection requests,
  5. the number of real delivered connection requests during last 24 hours,
  6. the number of edited accounts %,

Billing information:

  1. the number of days left to next billing
  2. the number of hired monthly connetion requests
  3. the number of deliverd connection requests during last month (consider case when a subscription has been just created)

Report of Pipelines

Break down such a report by pipelines, assing a column:

  1. the number of results left to deliver,

Report of sales assistants

Brak down such a report by sales assistants, adding these columns:

  1. edition status
  2. why cant login
  3. why cant deliver
  4. link to boterrorlog
leandrosardi commented 2 years ago


use euler;

declare @n int;
set @n=24*60;

select c.id, c.name, c.subscriptions, c.rented_accounts, c.rented_accounts*10 as expected_delivery, count(x.id_result) as real_delivery
-- select count(u.id)
from v_flywheel_clients c
left join drl_minutely_stats x with (nolock) on (c.id=x.id_client and isnull(x.ininvite_end_time, '1900-01-01')>dateadd(dd,-1,getdate()))
group by c.id, c.name, c.subscriptions, c.rented_accounts
order by c.name