ExpeditionRPG / expedition

Expedition: The Cards & App RPG
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Roleplaying quick decision time #150

Closed toddmedema closed 6 years ago

toddmedema commented 6 years ago

Issue by toddmedema Sunday Feb 05, 2017 at 23:09 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/ExpeditionRPG/expedition-app/issues/205

(from Daniel Aeolus - thank you!)

Let's say the group was told that they're running away from a menacing giant chicken. They would have to make some quick decisions along the way! E.g. to Strike! , to Hide! , or even to * Jump out of a window! ! In this way, I was thinking that a timer similar to the combat timer could be added to some important events like the one above.

The way I see it working would be (along the lines) that the group would be taken in-app : First, to a regular card building up the suspense with the appearance of the giant chicken, and what the environment is around them so they can have a good idea of what kind of choices they might be able to make soon. They would not yet be timed in order to read this card out well for themselves

Then, there would be (an editable) timer (1/2) information card explaining what they'll have to do on the next card (like the information given before a combat), e.g.

timer (1/2)

All adventurers prepare to make a quick decision! First, read the choices that follow on the next card quickly and take note of the countdown timer on the top right! Choose wisely but swiftly! Your lives may depend on it. . . .

  • Get Ready!

Which would then direct them to the dynamic timed card...:

timer (2/2) -15 seconds

   * Strike quickly before it sees you!
     **goto strike**
   * Hide beneath the desk!
     **goto hide**
   * Jump out of the window!
     **goto jump**

       -on 0 seconds

   **goto badstuff**

So that what's happening above is that the special timer page has a timer set to 15 seconds counting down, and somebody will have to execute one of the 3 choices before it runs out! (e.g. a group leader must take the initiative and / or a democratic decision is made)

If it does run out, the -on 0 seconds would either result in a path with "badstuff" down the road, or would even just default with a path like the goto strike.

(Additionally, there could be "fading choices" that would disappear halfway through for other situations that would have required more time to execute. e.g. if the window were to be significantly far across the hallway (which would have been described well prior to the timer), it would no longer be an option after 10 seconds. And / or the whole chase scene with the timer could continue on in some subsequent cards to simulate a chase (e.g. they chose to jump out the window, roll dice to see if everyone is OK: if all are ok chase ends; if one or more have broken limbs, timed decision to choose to leave the fallen behind or to remain and protect them) <-- much more complicated add on features Wasn't sure if this was already an idea considered or not, but there it is! I figured that since Expedition has the combat timer down so well, making it the unique dynamic rpg it is, a timer for specific decision making events would similarly drive the adventurers to be on their toes even outside the combat phases!

toddmedema commented 6 years ago

Comment by smartin015 Tuesday Feb 07, 2017 at 13:37 GMT

As far as continuing the timer... we could assign a context variable of the previous timer's set value and elapsed time. This would let us programmatically set the next timer to some value and could open up whole timed quests.

toddmedema commented 6 years ago

Comment by toddmedema Wednesday Feb 08, 2017 at 00:48 GMT

That'd be amazing!

toddmedema commented 6 years ago

Comment by toddmedema Saturday May 06, 2017 at 15:40 GMT

Cool QC feature but not necessary now