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End-To-End Encryption: Custom Encryption Library #21144

Closed robertjchen closed 9 months ago

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

cc: Margelo

Please implement a custom encryption library to be used as part of the new End to End Encryption feature in the App.

Namely, it will provide symmetric (AES) and asymmetric (RSA4096 + Kyber1024) encryption functions to be used by the App as well as in the backend.

Please refer to the planning doc for additional context!


Proposed Interface

// synchronous mockup, but final solution may be asynchronous as well 👍

For the following functions, the pubKeys and privKeys arguments should be provided in JSON format:

    privKeys : {
        "kyber1024" : {
            "privkey": "<base64 private key>",
        "rsa4096" : {
            "privkey": "<base64 private key>",

// ---

    privKeys : {
        "kyber1024" : {
            "pubkey": "<base64 public key>",
        "rsa4096" : {
            "pubkey": "<base64 public key>",
robertjchen commented 1 year ago

High Level spec completed, opening for evaluation/discussion/implementation

mrousavy commented 1 year ago

Hey! We @margelo are excited to get our hands dirty with this!! 💪

Are we assuming synchronous functions for everything, or should there also be async options? E.g. KEMEncrypt(..) is blocking/synchronous, and KEMEncryptAsync(..) is asynchronous/Promise based?

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

Thanks!! I think async might actually be the "default" behavior for all of the functions on the JS side, but I'll leave it up to you all to decide what would work better with our current App design 🙏

mrousavy commented 1 year ago

I think we should add both options, but maybe async should be default and the sync one should be suffixed with Sync? It depends on how fast those funcs are. If they#re slow, people should not really use them synchronously. If they're really really fast, we can add sync options.

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

Makes sense! It would be interesting to benchmark things to compare- I'd imagine some of the functions would be much, much slower when compiled to asm.js (for Web) while a native module would be much faster 🤔

roryabraham commented 1 year ago

Just porting over these comments from slack ... it sounds like we've agreed that we should use WebAssembly for web instead of asm.js

So that means we'll use C/C++ and JSI on native and C/C++ and WebAssembly on web

roryabraham commented 1 year ago

Also, have we agreed on which Kyber implementation we'll use? Are we using the reference implementation?

Interestingly, there's a Rust implementation that says:

Compiles to WASM using wasm-bindgen and has a ready-to-use binary published on NPM

We might be able to use that w/ bindings from Rust -> C -> JSI (example), but it would probably be easier to compile another C/C++ based library for wasm

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

Also, have we agreed on which Kyber implementation we'll use?

The reference implementation works, but it's done in a way to allow for easy testing/NIST evaluation. There's also https://github.com/PQClean/PQClean , which organizes Kyber and other encryption algorithms to have a standardized interface (for testing, library making, etc.), so it would be good to refer to that implementation as well.

roryabraham commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah, we've definitely talked about PQClean before in previous POCs. This seems like something we should predesign in slack. @mrousavy @margelo do you want to do some research and lead that predesign?

mrousavy commented 1 year ago

@roryabraham Sure, lemme talk to my team! :)

chrispader commented 1 year ago

@robertjchen @roryabraham i'm gonna start working on implementing the encryption library now!

Gonna keep u updated here and on Slack! 👍🚀

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

Awesome, please keep us posted on the details!

chrispader commented 1 year ago

@robertjchen do we have a name for the library already? I started of by calling it react-native-encryptify but i can change it whatever you guys prefer.

Also, could you create a GH repo in Expensify with the desired name, so i can push my changes?

Thanks! :)

chrispader commented 1 year ago

@robertjchen I'm gonna be on holiday until 20th of August, so i'm not gonna be working on the lib until then. Is it ok to continue then or does this have a higher priority? If so, i can hand it over to another Margelo dev. :)

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

That name would be great, it's along the same lines as the other react-native libraries/repos that we have: https://github.com/Expensify?q=react-native&type=all&language=&sort=

However, do we need a separate repo for the C++ part given that we'll be using it elsewhere in the codebase?

In any case, I have gone ahead and created one under Expensify/react-native-encryptify can you confirm if you have write access? Thanks!!

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

Awesome, enjoy the time off! I think it would be great to continue weekly progress on it, though- could you see if anyone's available to provide updates for the two weeks? 🙏

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

No updates here. To keep things moving, I'll schedule a quick call for all of us to sync up on where things are to make sure things are on track

chrispader commented 1 year ago

Hey @robertjchen !

Unfortunately i'm still out sick since i came back from my vacation.

Going to be fit again in the coming days and am going to continue working on this then.

robertjchen commented 1 year ago

No worries, keep us posted- let me know when you're back 100% and we can all catch up 👍

chrispader commented 1 year ago

@robertjchen just so we are on the same track here. We want to create a secret and encapsulate it with KEMEncrypt (Kyber and RSA) and then use this secret for symmetric encryption (AESEncrypt) and vice versa with decryption, right?

Asking because RSA4096 can only encrypt up to 512bytes (501 in fact) and also performance with a lot of asymmetric encryption would be bad.

chrispader commented 1 year ago

@robertjchen we can do a quick catch-up meeting next week if you want, i can show you my progress and we can clear any misunderstandings if there are any.

My plan was to finish this project completely by the end of next week! 🚀

roryabraham commented 1 year ago

@chrispader can you just post an overview of the plan and any questions in a GitHub comment?

chrispader commented 1 year ago

I understand that we'll use symmetric AES encryption for the general communication/messaging between users. For the initial public/private key setup, we want to use both Kyber1024 and RSA4096 in combination, in case any of those two algorithms get broken.

Kyber1024 (by design) yields both cipherText and sharedSecret by using the receiver's publicKey. The sharedSecret acts like a AES key and can be used to encrypt/decrypt data. The sharedSecret should therefore not be transmitted...

The cipherText will be transmitted to the receiver and can be decapsulated using the Kyber privateKey of the receiver.

In general, this would be sufficient for post-quantum encryption, as Kyber1024 should be more secure than RSA.

If we want to also use RSA4096 for the asymmetric encryption part, we'll want to additionally either encrypt the sharedSecret or cipherText, so that both encryption algorithms are used for the final encryption key.

Encrypting the Kyber sharedSecret makes Kyber itself redundant and insecure, because the sharedSecret should not be transmitted, but instead the cipherText can be used in combination with the Kyber privateKey to retrieve the sharedSecret on the receiver's side.

Encrypthing the Kyber cipherText instead seems logical, but the problem here is, that we can (without extra effort) only encrypt 501bytes of data with RSA4096. (The limitation is 512bytes minus 11bytes of padding). If we want to encrypt the Kyber cipherText - which consists of 1568bytes, we'll need to split it up in 4 chunks (1586bytes/501bytes = 3.13 => 4) and encrypt each part separately. This is technically no problem, but increases processing time and reduces performance, as asymmetric encryption is way more inefficient than symmetric encryption.

So my main question regarding the implementation is, should we either...

cc @robertjchen @roryabraham

chrispader commented 1 year ago

I've got most of the implementation for all of this already done, it's just a matter of how we use and arrange these algorithms... 👍

robertjchen commented 12 months ago

Thanks @chrispader ! 🙇 Appreciate the research and for laying out the details. Yes, I think the goal is to still incorporate RSA somehow.

I think your proposed 1st option would actually be the best, especially since we could potentially parallelize it 👍

chrispader commented 12 months ago

Thanks @chrispader ! 🙇 Appreciate the research and for laying out the details. Yes, I think the goal is to still incorporate RSA somehow.

I think your proposed 1st option would actually be the best, especially since we could potentially parallelize it 👍

Ok 👍 I'll go for this approach then, it's definitely the most secure one, and since it's only done once per chat/room, it should be fine.

chrispader commented 12 months ago
  • KEMEncrypt(pubKeys, dataString) - encrypts a given string RSA4096_Encrypt(Kyber1024_Encrypt(dataString)) given the pubKey set (input string should be padded behind the scenes if necessary, etc.). The pubKeyHash should be a hash of the two public keys combined. The result is the raw encrypted string in base64 format (note that this is directly encrypted by RSA4096 + Kyber1024, not AES!)
    <base64 data>
    • KEMDecrypt(privKeys, dataString) - decrypts a given string given the privKey set (input string should be padded behind the scenes if necessary, etc.)
      <base64 data>

Another thing: KEMEncrypt and KEMDecrypt don't really encrypt/decrypt any data, but instead only encapsulate and "encrypt" the secret that is being used in symmetric AES encryption. Therefore, the parameter dataString is misleading imo.

The current implementation would be more like this:

  • KEMEncrypt(pubKeys) - encapsulates a secret and encrypts it with RSA: RSA4096_Encrypt(Kyber1024_Encapsulate(kyberPubKey)) given the pubKey set (input string should be padded behind the scenes if necessary, etc.). The pubKeyHash should be a hash of the two public keys combined. The result is an encrypted cipherText in base64 format, that can then be decrypted using KEMDecrypt and used for symmetric AES encryption (note that this is directly encrypted by RSA4096 + Kyber1024, not AES!)
    <base64 encryptedCipherText>

    KEMDecrypt(privKeys, encryptedCipherText) - decrypts the cipherText given the privKey set and returns the aes encryption key (input string should be padded behind the scenes if necessary, etc.)

    <base64 aesEncryptionKey>

Should we change this in the issue description?

Also, is that still how you expect this library to work?

chrispader commented 12 months ago

We can then use the aesEncryptionKey on both sides to encrypt data symmetrically using AES.

chrispader commented 11 months ago

Quick update here:

I finished all of the KEM and AES encryption and decryption. (Only KEMSign and KEMVerify left) Working on WebAssembly support right now. I'm planning on finishing this library by the end of this week. 👍

Basically this is the order of how we have to use these functions:

Both sender and recipient will do the following (once!)

Generate public/private keypairs and send public keypair

  1. Get public/private keypairs for both Kyber and RSA with KEMGenKeys
  2. Send public keypair to the other side

Encapsulate a Kyber+RSA secret and share with the other side

  1. Encapsulate a Kyber+RSA secret with KEMEncrypt by using the other side's public keypair. You'll get both a cipherText and a sharedSecret. The sharedSecret can be used to encrypt data on the sender's side directly. (Never transmit the sharedSecret
  2. Send the cipherText to the recipient.

Decapsulate the Kyber+RSA cipherText received from the other side

  1. Decapsulate the cipherText with KEMDecrypt by using the recipient's private keypair. You'll receive a secret.
  2. Store the secret on the receipients device. This will further be used for symmetric encryption

Day-to-day symmetric encryption

After both sides have stored the decrypted sharedSecret of the other side, we can now use this to encrypt data such as messages, images or documents. Both the sender and the recipient should now have two secrets of each side respectively.

Encrypt and send data

  1. Use the sender's secret and a random IV (initialisation vector) to encrypt data with AESEncrypt.
  2. Send the encrypted data alongside the IV to the recipient. The IV doesn't need to be encrypted, as it's only used to bring randomness to the encrypted data

Receive and decrypt data

  1. Use the encrypted data and the IV received from the sender to decrypt data with AESDecrypt.
  2. The receiver should now have the original data.

P.S.: I'll update this flow to use KEMVerify and KEMSign once implemented.

cc @robertjchen @roryabraham

chrispader commented 11 months ago

You can already try this out in the example project here

robertjchen commented 11 months ago

Should we change this in the issue description? Also, is that still how you expect this library to work?

So, basically we get ciphertext and aesEncryptionKey when we run Kyber1024_Encapsulation(receiverPubKey) on the sending side. We then RSA4096_Encrypt(ciphertext)'d and send that to the receiver.

On the receiving side, we call RSA4096_Decrypt(RSAEncryptedCiphertext)'d to yield the ciphertext, which is run through Kyber1024_Dencapsulation(receiverPrivKey, ciphertext) yielding the aesEncryptionKey.

Is my understanding correct?

chrispader commented 11 months ago

Also as far as my research went, we can't use Kyber for signatures and verification. We'll have to use either Dillithium (by the same creators), Falcon or Sphincs.

More details: https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2022/07/nist-announces-first-four-quantum-resistant-cryptographic-algorithms

Which one should we use?

chrispader commented 11 months ago

Should we change this in the issue description? Also, is that still how you expect this library to work?

So, basically we get ciphertext and aesEncryptionKey when we run Kyber1024_Encapsulation(receiverPubKey) on the sending side. We then RSA4096_Encrypt(ciphertext)'d and send that to the receiver.

On the receiving side, we call RSA4096_Decrypt(RSAEncryptedCiphertext)'d to yield the ciphertext, which is run through Kyber1024_Dencapsulation(receiverPrivKey, ciphertext) yielding the aesEncryptionKey.

Is my understanding correct?

Yes, exactly! 👍

chrispader commented 11 months ago

Also as far as my research went, we can't use Kyber for signatures and verification. We'll have to use either Dillithium (by the same creators), Falcon or Sphincs.

Also not sure if it's necessary to sign and verify the rsaEncryptedKyberCipherText, but instead mostly sign and verify the data we send.

If somehow the key get's tampered with, the only consequence would be, that the encryption wouldn't work properly. The combination of RSA+Kyber in a way already ensures, that we get the right encryption key.

If on the other side data get's tampered with, the recipient might get wrong or dangerous data. (still very unlikely)

robertjchen commented 11 months ago

Yes, exactly! 👍

Great! That should work for our purposes, thanks 🙌

Also not sure if it's necessary to sign and verify the rsaEncryptedKyberCipherText, but instead mostly sign and verify the data we send.

Also as far as my research went, we can't use Kyber for signatures and verification. We'll have to use either Dillithium (by the same creators), Falcon or Sphincs.

That makes sense to me- however, the only pitfall I can think of is that you don't know if the person sending you the ciphertext is really the person that they claim to be. Since anyone is able to arbitrarily establish a shared secret with you if they know your public RSA and Kyber key without having to prove they are who they are 🤔

Without introducing a new algo, I think what we can do is add on another piece of data to prove rsaEncryptedKyberCipherText is coming from the correct sender by just a few more steps.

The sender would use their own private Kyber key to generate a new verificationCipherText and verificationSharedSecret. They would then RSA encrypt a known string or hash of the message to be sent, using their own private key, yielding rsaEncHash.

Using verificationSharedSecret, they would then AES-encrypt rsaEncHash as encryptedRSAEncHash and then send those along to the receiver, which would serve as the signature.

The receiver would get a signature composed of the following:

Signature = verificationCipherText || encryptedRSAEncHash

That should be enough to verify message authenticity and serve as a signature mechanism. If either RSA or Kyber was broken one of those above checks would fail, ensuring safety.

What are your thoughts on that approach? 🙏

chrispader commented 11 months ago

The sender would use their own private Kyber key to generate a new verificationCipherText and verificationSharedSecret. They would then RSA encrypt a known string or hash of the message to be sent, using their own private key, yielding rsaEncHash.

The problem here is, that we can't use the Kyber private key for encapsulating a key. It's only working in the opposite direction. That's why Kyber is fundamentally not designed for signing and verifying, that's what say Dillithium is for.

The proposal seems very logical, but i don't think we can achieve this with Kyber...

robertjchen commented 11 months ago

Ah that makes sense! It looks like it's a one-way operation and only for key exchange 😞

robertjchen commented 11 months ago

In that case, let's move forward with just plain encryption for now without signatures. 👍

(The server would be the one to ensure proper identity- certain classes of attacks would be feasible but could be mitigated by user awareness and other protections elsewhere in the stack. It's always a tradeoff between complexity and security and we're already made those choices for the sake of usability so I don't think we'll miss this aspect too much 😅 )

chrispader commented 11 months ago

Got it! 👍

So all of the encryption functionality is already working and we should be ready to either publish it to some (private) package registry or use it directly through git.

The only thing i'm currently still working on is using the .wasm binary in web. It basically compiles already, but i haven't made it work in Expensify/App yet.

robertjchen commented 11 months ago

Awesome, can't wait to see the .wasm part working as well! 🙌

chrispader commented 11 months ago

Giving a brief update on the WebAssembly journey here...

The WebAssembly process on web principally consists of 3 parts:

  1. Compiling OpenSSL into a WASM-compatible library ⚠️
  2. Compiling the encryption lib (using OpenSSL) into a .wasm-binary ✅
  3. Creating a JS-wrapper to have consistent function signatures (with native) and simplify WASM code ✅

Steps 2 and 3 are already done and working. I created compilation scripts for compiling the library as well as compiling a local openssl git submodule. These scripts are (almost) cross-platform already, so it should be possible to compile the library on any OS. I guess, we'll automate this process in a pipeline anyway, but this might be good for development and debugging in the future.

Since WebAssembly relies on C++ code to be compiled with the Emscripten toolchain, we have to compile OpenSSL ourself, since there are no working pre-compiled binaries. Also, we want to ensure, that we're using the original library for security reasons.

I've had some major breakthroughs in this process yesterday and i'm currently fixing some memory allocation problems, when it comes to using RSA from the OpenSSL library. Other than that, everything should be done 👍

I'm hoping to finish this by the end of the week.

robertjchen commented 11 months ago

@chrispader Great work! Let us know how it goes (if OpenSSL's complexity proves a bit too much, maybe we could consider just using the basic raw reference C implementations for RSA/AES, especially since we're just using a small part of OpenSSL?)

roryabraham commented 10 months ago

@chrispader any update here?

chrispader commented 10 months ago

Yes! Just made the library completely work with WebAssembly for the first time 🥳🥳🥳

There are some quirks and some weird stuff going on when compiling WebAssembly, i'd like to investigate and then document, so the whole build process is clear 👍

cc @roryabraham @robertjchen

chrispader commented 10 months ago

I added a PR/branch for testing the WebAssembly library: https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/30146

This PR also introduces a useEncryptify hook, because WebAssembly is effectively async and has to be loaded at app start

robertjchen commented 10 months ago

Awesome work! Can't wait to try this out locally and see what the numbers are like: https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/30341

robertjchen commented 10 months ago

Update: Ongoing work in https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/30146

robertjchen commented 10 months ago

Looking forward to hardware benchmarks, next steps discussion/planning in progress.

robertjchen commented 9 months ago

Hardware benchmarks posted. Ongoing discussion on next steps!

robertjchen commented 9 months ago

Given that the library itself is completed, I think we can close this out for now! 🎉🎉 We'll sync on the main issue on next steps and create new issues from there. Great job @chrispader ! 🙇