Expensify / App

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Onboarding videos #40871

Closed rezkiy37 closed 1 week ago

rezkiy37 commented 1 week ago


Fixed Issues

$ https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/38414 PROPOSAL: N/A


Note: you can run the flow as many times as you want by adding a test button into TestToolMenu.tsx.

Details ```typescript

Purposes with videos

  1. Open the app with an entire new user.
  2. Complete the onboarding flow.
  3. Verify that the app has generated the proper messages.
  4. Verify that attachment messages are replaced with videos, once the backend sends an update.
  5. Verify that the app shows a proper thumbnail.
  6. Click on a video.
  7. Verify that the app shows a correct video.

Purposes without videos

  1. Open the app with an entire new user.
  2. Select the "Something else" purpose.
  3. Complete the onboarding flow.
  4. Verify that the app has generated the proper messages.
  5. Verify that this purpose does not include a video.

Offline tests

Same as "Tests".

QA Steps

Same as "Tests".

PR Author Checklist


Android: Native
Android: mWeb Chrome https://github.com/Expensify/App/assets/57314631/93c60f47-937d-45f1-8b23-7f6764c07556
iOS: Native https://github.com/Expensify/App/assets/57314631/b436cda0-1374-47c5-b3ef-34f745d03f0a
iOS: mWeb Safari https://github.com/Expensify/App/assets/57314631/02050d5e-1d61-4115-804b-6b4db74c9760
MacOS: Chrome / Safari https://github.com/Expensify/App/assets/57314631/d8e646b2-8477-4c01-acdd-d2ecac08f884 https://github.com/Expensify/App/assets/57314631/c129d924-f02c-43e3-a435-1337117d7c4c
MacOS: Desktop https://github.com/Expensify/App/assets/57314631/796dde40-cf39-4dc5-96fb-5a2c1b5c5eae
melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

@dubielzyk-expensify @shubham1206agra One of you needs to copy/paste the Reviewer Checklist from here into a new comment on this PR and complete it. If you have the K2 extension, you can simply click: [this button]

shubham1206agra commented 1 week ago

@rezkiy37 Just confirming here. Do you want me to complete checklist here?

mountiny commented 1 week ago

I can handle this

mountiny commented 1 week ago

Reviewer Checklist


Android: Native
Android: mWeb Chrome
iOS: Native
iOS: mWeb Safari
MacOS: Chrome / Safari
MacOS: Desktop
mountiny commented 1 week ago

I will go ahead so we can include this in the follow up deploy

OSBotify commented 1 week ago

:hand: This PR was not deployed to staging yet because QA is ongoing. It will be automatically deployed to staging after the next production release.

OSBotify commented 1 week ago

🚀 Deployed to staging by https://github.com/mountiny in version: 1.4.66-0 🚀

platform result
🤖 android 🤖 success ✅
🖥 desktop 🖥 failure ❌
🍎 iOS 🍎 success ✅
🕸 web 🕸 success ✅
OSBotify commented 1 week ago

🚀 Deployed to staging by https://github.com/mountiny in version: 1.4.66-0 🚀

platform result
🤖 android 🤖 success ✅
🖥 desktop 🖥 success ✅
🍎 iOS 🍎 success ✅
🕸 web 🕸 success ✅
OSBotify commented 1 week ago

🚀 Deployed to production by https://github.com/mountiny in version: 1.4.66-5 🚀

platform result
🤖 android 🤖 success ✅
🖥 desktop 🖥 success ✅
🍎 iOS 🍎 success ✅
🕸 web 🕸 success ✅