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[$250] [Search v1] Search page scroll is not smooth #41581

Open luacmartins opened 2 weeks ago

luacmartins commented 2 weeks ago

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Version Number: Reproducible in staging?: Reproducible in production?: If this was caught during regression testing, add the test name, ID and link from TestRail: Email or phone of affected tester (no customers): Logs: https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/4856 Expensify/Expensify Issue URL: Issue reported by: Slack conversation:

Action Performed:

  1. Open the search page, Profile > Troubleshoot > New Search Page
  2. Scroll through the list of results
  3. Notice that the items flicker and on mobile the list jumps around

Expected Result:

Scroll should be smooth

Actual Result:

Scroll is not smooth


Can the user still use Expensify without this being fixed? Have you informed them of the workaround?


Which of our officially supported platforms is this issue occurring on?




Add any screenshot/video evidence

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  • Upwork Job ID: 1786403109998579712
  • Last Price Increase: 2024-05-03
  • Automatic offers:
    • eh2077 | Reviewer | 0
    • charles-liang | Contributor | 0
Issue OwnerCurrent Issue Owner: @eh2077
melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Triggered auto assignment to @muttmuure (Bug), see https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/14418 for more details. Please add this bug to a GH project, as outlined in the SO.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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eh2077 commented 2 weeks ago

@nharsh94 Thanks for your proposal. I'm not following your root cause analysis. Can you elaborate on why the scroll is not smooth?

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@nharsh94 Thanks for the update, but your root cause analysis still seems vague to me.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

Still looking for better proposals

luacmartins commented 1 week ago

Still looking for proposals

charles-liang commented 1 week ago


Please re-state the problem that we are trying to solve in this issue.

[Search v1] Search page scroll is not smooth #41581

What is the root cause of that problem?

  1. Using Google's performance analysis tools, it was found that the most time-consuming tasks were creating and removing components.

    ζˆͺ屏2024-05-07 17 40 33
  2. By removing all elements of the item and replacing them with a single text element, the delay issue was improved.

  3. Adding multiple texts increased the scroll delay issue, but it can basically be determined that it's a problem with rendering child elements.

  4. Analyzed using React Dev Tools, as shown in the figure, the time it takes for the TransactionListItem to render child elements is only half the time of the parent element. It is speculated that the problem lies with the parent element itself.

ζˆͺ屏2024-05-07 15 34 22
  1. All functions returning JSX were removed from TransactionListItem.
  2. Analyzed again using React Dev Tools, the previously observed delay has disappeared.
ζˆͺ屏2024-05-07 17 28 54

Summary: The root cause is that every time you scroll, it removes the TransactionListItem that leaves the visible area and renders new TransactionListItems. Control by windowSize (Default 5 in BaseSelectionList)(The windowSize default 5 means that, in addition to the visible range in the middle, 2 time of elements of the visible height ((windowsize - 1) / 2) = 2) are kept above and below. When the scrolling speed exceeds the rendering speed, elements are recycled instead of being cached. And updateCellsBatchingPeriod (default 50ms) will render according to your scrolling speed.

Rendering the TransactionListItem is too expensive. the Reason is:

  1. because each instance of TransactionListItem creates new anonymous functions like DateCell, UserCell, and TotalCell.
  2. the OnSelectRow function passed from Search.

Finally, The render requests are blocked the render queue and event handling.

What changes do you think we should make in order to solve the problem?

  1. Setting windowSize and updateCellsBatchingPeriod to the appropriate value in SelectionList in Search.tsx.


  1. Move all similar to xxxx from inside TransactionListItem to above TransactionListItem. and applying memo along with keyforlist to decide whether to re-render, avoid re-instantiating these functions.

from https://github.com/Expensify/App/blob/e0b6a06d2f34f35cda96ccc4d05252ede111c732/src/components/SelectionList/TransactionListItem.tsx#L69-L74 to https://github.com/charles-liang/ExpensifyApp/blob/charles/src/components/SelectionList/TransactionListItem.tsx#L71-L81 https://github.com/charles-liang/ExpensifyApp/blob/charles/src/components/SelectionList/TransactionListItem.tsx#L162

  1. wrapped with useCallback to prevent multiple copy OnSelectRow in Search


What alternative solutions did you explore? (Optional)


eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Thanks for your proposal. It's good to see you tried to pinpoint the root cause by profiling the page.

  1. By removing all elements of the item and replacing them with a single text element, the delay issue was improved.

Do you mean the TransactionListItem here?

  1. All functions returning JSX were removed from TransactionListItem.
  2. Analyzed again using React Dev Tools, the previously observed delay has disappeared.

Can you elaborate on why those functions cause the delay when scrolling?

charles-liang commented 1 week ago

yes. i mean TransactionListItem. The RCA is that the cost of re-rendering the item is too high, not due to a specific function. Instead, each TransactionListItem should share a component, rather than each TransactionListItem retuen a new component using function. Therefore, all returned JSX should be moved to the external scope. For specifics, please refer to:


Use PureComponent, React.memo(), and shouldComponentUpdate() to prevent re-rendering expensive components.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Thanks for the update. Can you detail your improvement plan in the third/solution part of your proposal?

charles-liang commented 1 week ago

Do you mean this: change react 17 to react 18 using createroot instead of AppRegistry.runApplication in src/setup/platformSetup/index.website.ts to turn on concurrent rendering

Maybe like this.

import React from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import Config from './config';
import { checkForUpdates } from './updateUtils'; 
import { startCurrentDateUpdater } from './DateUtils';

const container = document.getElementById('root');
if (container) {
    const root = createRoot(container);

    AppRegistry.registerComponent(Config.APP_NAME, () => App);
    AppRegistry.runApplication(Config.APP_NAME, {
        initialProps: {},
        rootTag: container,

    if (Config.IS_IN_PRODUCTION) {


But I've tested it and the effect is not very obvious.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang I mean the main solution

removed All functions returning JSX from TransactionListItem.

This part can be more detail.

charles-liang commented 1 week ago

For example remove below from TransactionListItem

const dateCell = (
            style={[styles.label, styles.pre, styles.justifyContentCenter, isLargeScreenWidth ? undefined : [styles.textMicro, styles.textSupporting]]}

Add this before TransactionListItem in the same file

const dateCell = (showTooltip, date, styles, isLargeScreenWidth)=>(
            style={[styles.label, styles.pre, styles.justifyContentCenter, isLargeScreenWidth ? undefined : [styles.textMicro, styles.textSupporting]]}
eh2077 commented 1 week ago

Can you add them to your proposal? Also it'll be very helpful if you can provide a branch to test.

charles-liang commented 1 week ago

ok, I update a proposal after taking a time to make a branch for your test.

charles-liang commented 1 week ago



@eh2077 i add a new branch with the exmaple code for your test. thanks a lot!

https://github.com/charles-liang/ExpensifyApp/blob/charles/src/components/SelectionList/Search.tsx https://github.com/charles-liang/ExpensifyApp/blob/charles/src/components/SelectionList/TransactionListItem.tsx

I have decoupled the component from TransactionListItem and memo them. This is just a draft for your test and needs further revisions to comply with the code of conduct.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Can you add a summary about the root cause of the issue and update your proposal? And please elaborate on what changes are needed in the solution part based on https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/41581#issuecomment-2098206239 and https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/41581#issuecomment-2098277731. Note please explain them in plain english instead of a test branch.

charles-liang commented 1 week ago



eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Thanks for the udpate.

The root cause is that every time you scroll, it removes the TransactionListItem that leaves the visible area and renders new TransactionListItems.

This seems like the key factor causing the scrolling issue. Can you elaborate on why TransactionListItems are not cached?

charles-liang commented 1 week ago


because each instance of TransactionListItem creates new anonymous functions like DateCell, UserCell, and TotalCell.

As mentioned above, every time TransactionListItems is called, the anonymous functions inside it, such as const DateCell = () => {}, are newly generated. This makes the program treat TransactionListItems as new each time. Using memo along with a shallow comparison of props allows it to be cached.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Thanks for the udpate.

The root cause is that every time you scroll, it removes the TransactionListItem that leaves the visible area and renders new TransactionListItems.

This seems like the key factor causing the scrolling issue. Can you elaborate on why TransactionListItems are not cached?

You didn't answer the question - Can you explain why the list of TransactionListItems are not cached when scrolling?

charles-liang commented 1 week ago

Alright, I misunderstood your question. The reason is that the default configuration for BaseSelectionList has a windowSize = 5. The function getItemLayout returns the height of each cell, and then it determines how many elements can fit on each screen based on the height of the elements.

The windowSize default 5 means that, in addition to the visible range in the middle, 2 time of elements of the visible height ((windowsize - 1) / 2) = 2 are kept above and below. When the scrolling speed exceeds the rendering speed, elements are recycled instead of being cached.

Additionally, updateCellsBatchingPeriod (default 50ms) will render according to your scrolling speed. Finally, The rendering requests are blocked in the rendering queue.(cannot be cancel)

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Can you update your proposal based on the new findings above?

charles-liang commented 1 week ago



eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Thanks for the update.

Setting windowSize and updateCellsBatchingPeriod to the appropriate value in SelectionList in Search.tsx.

Can we get significant improvement in both the profiling results and the smoothness of scrolling after tuning these parameters?

charles-liang commented 1 week ago


Yes, I have tested it, and changing these two values does indeed improve the situation when item created and cached. such as setting windowSize to 111 (large enough to retain 500 items) and updateCellsBatchingPeriod to 200ms(The updateCellsBatchingPeriod cannot be set too high, otherwise it won't load when the user is not scrolling.).

However, there is still a significant lag and white screen when scrolling to an unrendered area for the first time, due to the expensive rendering issue. The data I profiled earlier was from the initial load. Modifying these two values changes the performance of this part.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Thanks for your patience during the discussion.

I think the root cause of this unsmooth scrolling issue is uncovered

It's great that @charles-liang followed our best practice React Performance Tips to profile the performance issue and adopt tips, like using PureComponent and React.memo(), to optimise it, though they seem new to this project and this is likely to be their first contribution. We can also refer to Optimizing Flatlist Configuration

That said, I think we can go with @charles-liang 's proposal. Coding details can be discussed in PR.

πŸŽ€πŸ‘€πŸŽ€ C+ reviewed

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Current assignee @luacmartins is eligible for the choreEngineerContributorManagement assigner, not assigning anyone new.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

πŸ“£ @eh2077 πŸŽ‰ An offer has been automatically sent to your Upwork account for the Reviewer role πŸŽ‰ Thanks for contributing to the Expensify app!

Offer link Upwork job

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

πŸ“£ @charles-liang πŸŽ‰ An offer has been automatically sent to your Upwork account for the Contributor role πŸŽ‰ Thanks for contributing to the Expensify app!

Offer link Upwork job Please accept the offer and leave a comment on the Github issue letting us know when we can expect a PR to be ready for review πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Keep in mind: Code of Conduct | Contributing πŸ“–

luacmartins commented 1 week ago

This issue is yours @charles-liang. Let me know when we can expect a PR.

eh2077 commented 1 week ago

@charles-liang Kindly comment an eta for the PR, so we can keep the team updated on the progress. Thanks

charles-liang commented 6 days ago


I am currently testing across all platforms and writing the PR documentation. I can submit the PR by Tuesday at the latest.

Including fixing the regression issues, I think I can complete it this week.

eh2077 commented 5 days ago

@charles-liang Thank you. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

eh2077 commented 22 hours ago

Still working on the PR