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[HOLD E/395534]FAB - Track expense button is missing from the FAB for new expensifail accounts #42235

Open m-natarajan opened 2 weeks ago

m-natarajan commented 2 weeks ago

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Version Number: 1.4.74-0 Reproducible in staging?: y Reproducible in production?: n If this was caught during regression testing, add the test name, ID and link from TestRail: https://expensify.testrail.io/index.php?/tests/view/4561895&group_by=cases:section_id&group_order=asc&group_id=295815 Email or phone of affected tester (no customers): Logs: https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/4856 Expensify/Expensify Issue URL: Issue reported by: Applause internal team Slack conversation:

Action Performed:

  1. Sign up for a new expensifail account
  2. Click on the FAB

Expected Result:

Track expense button should be available from the start.

Actual Result:

Track expense button is missing from the FAB for new expensifail accounts. It returns if you refresh the page on web and mWeb. You have to restart the app on iOS and Android for the button to return. Doesn't affect Gmail accounts.




Which of our officially supported platforms is this issue occurring on?


Add any screenshot/video evidence


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melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Triggered auto assignment to @bfitzexpensify (Bug), see https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/14418 for more details. Please add this bug to a GH project, as outlined in the SO.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Triggered auto assignment to @marcaaron (DeployBlockerCash), see https://stackoverflowteams.com/c/expensify/questions/9980/ for more details.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

👋 Friendly reminder that deploy blockers are time-sensitive ⏱ issues! Check out the open Staging deploy checklist to see the list of PRs included in this release, then work quickly on the following:

  1. If you find which PR caused the issue/bug, you can reassign it to the person responsible for it.
    • If the author is OOO or won’t get online before the daily deploy is due, you are responsible for finding the best fix/path forward. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!
  2. Try to reproduce the issue, if the bug is on production, remove the DeployBlocker label but stay assigned to fix it (or find out which PR broke it to get help from the author).
    • You can adjust the urgency of the issue to better represent the gravity of the bug.
    • If the issue is super low priority, feel free to un-assign yourself.
    • Be careful with PHP warnings, sometimes it is more complex than just adding a null coalescing operator as they might be uncovering some bigger bug.
    • If it was a one-off issue that requires no action (for example, Bedrock was down or it is a duplicated issue), you can close it.

Remember rule #2: Never un-assign yourself from a real DeployBlocker unless you are 100% sure someone else is assigned and will take care of it.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

:wave: Friendly reminder that deploy blockers are time-sensitive ⏱ issues! Check out the open `StagingDeployCash` deploy checklist to see the list of PRs included in this release, then work quickly to do one of the following:

  1. Identify the pull request that introduced this issue and revert it.
  2. Find someone who can quickly fix the issue.
  3. Fix the issue yourself.
marcaaron commented 2 weeks ago

Doesn't affect Gmail accounts.

This sounds suspect to me. Is this behind a beta or something?

It returns if you refresh the page on web and mWeb.

also sounds like a BE problem.

marcaaron commented 2 weeks ago

Seems potentially related to https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/41892 cc @thienlnam

thienlnam commented 2 weeks ago

This just happens for expensifail accounts?? 😕

thienlnam commented 2 weeks ago

I wonder if this is because the accounts are getting created in a different flow than the typical CreateAccount where the shouldCreateSelfDM flag is added. This should be resolved here. Additionally if this is just for expensifail accounts we can demote this

marcaaron commented 2 weeks ago

Ah yeah that seems like a good guess. Gonna let you figure this out 🏃‍♂️

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

@thienlnam Huh... This is 4 days overdue. Who can take care of this?

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

@thienlnam Still overdue 6 days?! Let's take care of this!

melvin-bot[bot] commented 5 days ago

@thienlnam 10 days overdue. Is anyone even seeing these? Hello?

thienlnam commented 4 days ago

Not a daily, going to be resolved as part of this issue https://github.com/Expensify/Expensify/issues/395534