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[Pending / Scanning] Expensify Card Expenses - Duplicate expenses are displayed in report after expense is posted #45491

Closed isagoico closed 1 week ago

isagoico commented 1 month ago

If you haven’t already, check out our contributing guidelines for onboarding and email contributors@expensify.com to request to join our Slack channel!

Version Number: v9.0.7-4

Reproducible in staging?: Yes Reproducible in production?: Yes

Email or phone of affected tester (no customers): tester+ndcardtests@applausecard.expensifail.com

Logs: https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/4856

Issue reported by: Applause - Internal Team

Action Performed:

Affected account: tester+ndcardtests@applausecard.expensifail.com Report ID of the bug: 2317033129992857

  1. Make 2 purchases with a Expensify Card
  2. Wait ~1-2 days for the pending expenses to be posted
  3. Check the report

Expected Result:

There should be 1 expense for each transaction made with the expensify card.

Actual Result:

There's 5 expenses in the report when there should have been 2.


Which of our officially supported platforms is this issue occurring on?




In the video below I opened each of the transactions and looks like some of them are missing the receipts.


View all open jobs on GitHub

Upwork Automation - Do Not Edit
  • Upwork Job URL: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~01a5413fbd68d264d8
  • Upwork Job ID: 1817914452736699408
  • Last Price Increase: 2024-08-05
Issue OwnerCurrent Issue Owner: @grgia
melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Current assignee @kevinksullivan is eligible for the Bug assigner, not assigning anyone new.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

@kevinksullivan Whoops! This issue is 2 days overdue. Let's get this updated quick!

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

@kevinksullivan Still overdue 6 days?! Let's take care of this!

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

@kevinksullivan 8 days overdue is a lot. Should this be a Weekly issue? If so, feel free to change it!

kevinksullivan commented 1 month ago

Posted about this here

grgia commented 1 month ago

This seems like a FE bug but we do use two different API calls for grabbing transaction list in old vs new, so it could be related to that if not

grgia commented 1 month ago

Supportalled in NewDot and I only see 2 transactions in ONYX and in the result from OpenReport for 2317033129992857

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                        "text": "add",
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                        "text": " %expenses."
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                "requiresUserAction": true,
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                    "lastVisibleActionLastModified": "2024-07-12 21:49:53.395",
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melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Job added to Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~01a5413fbd68d264d8

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Triggered auto assignment to Contributor-plus team member for initial proposal review - @ZhenjaHorbach (External)

grgia commented 1 month ago

@youssef-lr maybe there's some leftover whisper logic in App in terms of creating optimistic reports?

grgia commented 1 month ago

@ZhenjaHorbach fairly certain this one is External and an optimistic expense issue that's leftover from removing the whisper flow from pending transactions

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

@kevinksullivan @grgia @ZhenjaHorbach this issue was created 2 weeks ago. Are we close to approving a proposal? If not, what's blocking us from getting this issue assigned? Don't hesitate to create a thread in #expensify-open-source to align faster in real time. Thanks!

youssef-lr commented 1 month ago

fairly certain this one is External and an optimistic expense issue that's leftover from removing the whisper flow from pending transactions

@grgia I'm not sure there is anything optimistic here as these transactions are created in the backend, no?

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

@kevinksullivan, @grgia, @ZhenjaHorbach Whoops! This issue is 2 days overdue. Let's get this updated quick!

kevinksullivan commented 1 month ago

let's discuss this here


grgia commented 1 month ago

I think we need to confirm this is still occurring, I wasn't able to replicate locally

grgia commented 1 month ago

I've been looking into this today, it seems like there is an issue with updating the report preview / transaction data for merged transactions. I haven't found the root cause yet

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

📣 It's been a week! Do we have any satisfactory proposals yet? Do we need to adjust the bounty for this issue? 💸

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

@kevinksullivan, @grgia, @ZhenjaHorbach Still overdue 6 days?! Let's take care of this!

grgia commented 4 weeks ago

It seems like we're not updating onyx properly. We need to remove the pending transaction from onyx when a transaction posts.

For example: I have a child transaction (transactions_2481341321094301911) with parent (7330177383521645395)

For some reason, (transactions_7330177383521645395) with reportID -4 is on report 7638474919497989

And the report preview looks like this:


Then there's a report preview that looks correct, but points to the parent (the one where hasEReceipt is false... which is weird- because it shows an eReceipt preview...)

        "key": "transactions_2481341321094301911",
        "value": {
            "amount": -200,
            "bank": "Expensify Card",
            "billable": false,
            "cardID": 19501470,
            "cardName": "Expensify Card - 1825",
            "cardNumber": "455594XXXXXX1825",
            "category": "Professional Services",
            "comment": {
                "comment": "",
                "forceReimbursable": false,
                "liabilityType": "corporate"
            "created": "2024-08-05 12:11:32",
            "currency": "USD",
            "filename": "",
            "managedCard": true,
            "merchant": "PAYPAL *EXPENSIFYIN",
            "modifiedAmount": 0,
            "modifiedCreated": "2024-08-05 12:11:32",
            "modifiedCurrency": "",
            "modifiedMerchant": "Expensify",
            "originalAmount": 0,
            "originalCurrency": "",
            "parentTransactionID": "7330177383521645395",
            "receipt": {},
            "reimbursable": false,
            "reportID": "1173998813191873",
            "status": "Posted",
            "tag": "",
            "transactionID": "2481341321094301911",
            "mccGroup": "Services",
            "hasEReceipt": true
        "key": "transactions_7330177383521645395",
        "value": {
            "amount": -200,
            "bank": "Expensify Card",
            "billable": false,
            "cardID": 19501470,
            "cardName": "Expensify Card - 1825",
            "cardNumber": "455594XXXXXX1825",
            "category": "Professional Services",
            "comment": {
                "comment": "",
                "forceReimbursable": false,
                "liabilityType": "corporate"
            "created": "2024-08-05 12:11:32",
            "currency": "USD",
            "filename": "",
            "managedCard": true,
            "merchant": "PAYPAL *EXPENSIFYIN",
            "modifiedAmount": 0,
            "modifiedCreated": "",
            "modifiedCurrency": "",
            "modifiedMerchant": "Expensify",
            "originalAmount": 0,
            "originalCurrency": "",
            "parentTransactionID": "",
            "receipt": {},
            "reimbursable": false,
            "reportID": "-4",
            "status": "Pending",
            "tag": "",
            "transactionID": "7330177383521645395",
            "mccGroup": "Services",
            "hasEReceipt": false

One other theory I have is that we're too eagerly creating new reports here- I'm not 100% that the posted transactions hit this block, but we shouldn't create a new report if the nonReimbursable expense is an update to an existing one


grgia commented 4 weeks ago

Moving internal

grgia commented 4 weeks ago

thread here https://expensify.slack.com/archives/C036QM0SLJK/p1723021882407309

kevinksullivan commented 3 weeks ago

Georgia did some great investigation above ^^ and it sounds like we're displaying stale data on the frontend. @grgia , do you have next steps on how to move this one forward?

grgia commented 3 weeks ago

@kevinksullivan we've merged an initial fix for this one but Im working on fixing onyx updates here

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@kevinksullivan, @grgia, @ZhenjaHorbach Uh oh! This issue is overdue by 2 days. Don't forget to update your issues!

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@kevinksullivan, @grgia, @ZhenjaHorbach Huh... This is 4 days overdue. Who can take care of this?

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

@kevinksullivan, @grgia, @ZhenjaHorbach 6 days overdue. This is scarier than being forced to listen to Vogon poetry!

trjExpensify commented 1 week ago

The Auth PR is on prod, should this be closed now @grgia?

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

@kevinksullivan, @grgia, @ZhenjaHorbach 10 days overdue. I'm getting more depressed than Marvin.

kevinksullivan commented 1 week ago

yup, think so. I also can't reproduce right now