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[$250] mWeb - Attachment - Opened offline attachment directed to conversation page on online #48173

Open lanitochka17 opened 3 weeks ago

lanitochka17 commented 3 weeks ago

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Version Number: 9.0.25 Reproducible in staging?: Y Reproducible in production?: Y If this was caught during regression testing, add the test name, ID and link from TestRail: N/A Issue reported by: Applause - Internal Team

Action Performed:

  1. Go to https://staging.new.expensify.com/home
  2. Open a chat
  3. Go offline
  4. Upload a image
  5. Open the image
  6. Go online
  7. Note User directed to conversation page

Expected Result:

Upload and open attachment in offline, then going online user must stay in same attachment page

Actual Result:

Upload and open attachment in offline, then going online user directed to conversation page




Which of our officially supported platforms is this issue occurring on?


Add any screenshot/video evidence


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Upwork Automation - Do Not Edit
  • Upwork Job URL: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~01e366edd029d4e402
  • Upwork Job ID: 1829648417535865218
  • Last Price Increase: 2024-09-13
Issue OwnerCurrent Issue Owner: @s77rt
melvin-bot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Triggered auto assignment to @kevinksullivan (Bug), see https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/14418 for more details. Please add this bug to a GH project, as outlined in the SO.

NJ-2020 commented 3 weeks ago


Please restate the problem we are trying to solve with this issue.

mWeb - Attachment - Opened offline attachment directed to conversation page on online.

What is the root cause of this problem?

When we are offline, we upload an attachment and click on it to view the details by clicking the attachment. When we return online, we invoke submitAndClose function because an attachment has been sent. Inside this function, we close the modal with setIsModalOpen(false) after sending the attachment.


What changes do you think we should make in order to solve the problem?

We can add a new parameter to the URL or a parameter inside the function to indicate how the AttachmentModal was opened. For example, we can use ?openType=openDetail when the user opens the attachment by clicking on it, and ?openType=submit when the user submits the attachment. We can then conditionally close the modal based on the value of openType.

What alternative solutions did you explore? (Optional)

We can check if there is existing Onyx data for the attachment. If there is, it means the attachment has been submitted but not yet added to the backend. In this case, we can avoid invoking setIsModalOpen(false) and keep the modal open.

NJ-2020 commented 3 weeks ago



tsa321 commented 3 weeks ago

Edited by proposal-police: This proposal was edited at 2024-08-28 14:38:24 UTC.


Please re-state the problem that we are trying to solve in this issue.

When opening a sent attachment while offline, after going online, the app navigates to a report.

What is the root cause of that problem?

When viewing an attachment image, the AttachmentCarousel is displayed. It uses logic to determine if the viewed image has been deleted then dismiss the modal. This is done by comparing the source (a URL parameter) with the available attachment properties in reportActions:


The lines detects if the viewed image is deleted by comparing the current source with the updated attachment properties retrieved from reportActions.

When the user is offline, the current source is a blob URL string. When the user goes online, this source is updated to a new path.

The current detection logic mistakenly identifies the image as deleted because the blob URL is no longer available, resulting in the dismissal of the modal.

What changes do you think we should make in order to solve the problem?

We could add a check in the if clause to determine whether the current source is an image that will be uploaded, by verifying if the source starts with blob and if the new attachment has the same file name as the uploaded image.

The revised code could look like this, assuming a report action can have multiple images (i.e., an array):

if (initialPage === -1 && attachments.find(compareImage)) {
    let isUploadedImage = false;
   // maybe cheching for wheter the file is blob uri object is enough, but for more code completeness I am adding additional checks.
   // If we want to checks whether the blob uri object exist we can use `FileUtils.readFileAsync`
    if (source.startsWith('blob')) {
        const uploadedAttachment = attachments.find(compareImage);
        const possibleTargetUploads = targetAttachments.filter(attachment => {
            return attachment.reportActionID === uploadedAttachment.reportActionID;

        isUploadedImage = possibleTargetUploads.some(attachment => {
            return attachment.file.name === uploadedAttachment.file.name;

    if (!isUploadedImage) {

Alternatively, we could check for pending actions such as deletion or addition, if this approach is more accurate, or simply verify whether the reportAction is a deleted message.

What alternative solutions did you explore? (1)

We can determine whether the report action has been deleted by checking the availability of currently viewed report attahcment's reportActionID in targetAttachment. Then set the search result to initialPage.

The code could be:

const currentAttachmentReportActionID = attachments.find(compareImage)?.reportActionID;
let initialPage;
if (currentAttachmentReportActionID) {
    initialPage = targetAttachments.findIndex(attachment => attachment.reportActionID === currentAttachmentReportActionID);
} else {
    initialPage = targetAttachments.findIndex(compareImage);

Or :

let initialPage = targetAttachments.findIndex(compareImage);
const currentAttachmentReportActionID = attachments.find(compareImage)?.reportActionID;
const isReportActionExist = currentAttachmentReportActionID ? targetAttachments.find(attachment => attachment.reportActionID === currentAttachmentReportActionID) : initialPage !== -1;

// Dismiss the modal when deleting an attachment during its display in preview.
if (initialPage === -1 && attachments.find(compareImage)) {
    if (!isReportActionExist) {

What alternative solutions did you explore? (2)

Expanding my first solution which I mention to use pendingAction data: We could add pendingAction data to the attachment. If the report action for the currently viewed attachment is pendingAction add, we should not dismiss the modal.

In this line:


We need to modify it to: (Additionally, some modifications to the replace function are based on the bug I mentioned at the bottom of my proposal):

const html = ReportActionsUtils.getReportActionHtml(action).replace(/(<(?:(?=video )|(?=img )).+?)(\/*)>/gm, `$1 data-flagged="${hasBeenFlagged}" data-id="${action.reportActionID}" data-pending-action="${action?.pendingAction}"$2>`);

Then, in this line and this line, we should add:

pendingAction: attribs['data-pending-action']

In the AttachmentCarousel, we modify the lines near the dismiss modal to:

const currentlyViewedAttachment = attachments.find(compareImage);
if (initialPage === -1 && !!currentlyViewedAttachment) {
    if (currentlyViewedAttachment?.pendingAction !== CONST.RED_BRICK_ROAD_PENDING_ACTION.ADD) {

What alternative solutions did you explore? (3)

This is a simplified version of my initial solution to determine whether a file is stored temporarily by the browser or app. We can check if the source starts with "blob" or "file," or similar characters that indicate it is a file stored in user storage. The code could be:

if (initialPage === -1 && !!currentlyViewedAttachment) {
    if (source.startsWith('blob') || source.startsWith('file')) {

Also there is a bug in when user send a text with image attachment, the reportActionID data will be undefined. This in because:


If user send a text comment and an image, there is <br /> tag and the end tag of br that will be replaced. the more correct code could be:

const html = ReportActionsUtils.getReportActionHtml(action).replace(/(<img .+?)\/>/gm, `$1 data-flagged="${hasBeenFlagged}" data-id="${action.reportActionID}"/>`);

To also fix for video:

const html = ReportActionsUtils.getReportActionHtml(action).replace(/(<(?:(?=video )|(?=img )).+?)(\/*)>/gm, `$1 data-flagged="${hasBeenFlagged}" data-id="${action.reportActionID}"$2>`);
daledah commented 3 weeks ago

Edited by proposal-police: This proposal was edited at 2024-08-29 02:10:22 UTC.


Please re-state the problem that we are trying to solve in this issue.

Upload and open attachment in offline, then going online user directed to conversation page

What is the root cause of that problem?


What alternative solutions did you explore? (Optional)

daledah commented 3 weeks ago

Proposal updated

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Job added to Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~01e366edd029d4e402

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Triggered auto assignment to Contributor-plus team member for initial proposal review - @s77rt (External)

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago


When we return online, we invoke submitAndClose function

This is not the case. The function is invoked as soon as you click the submit button (while offline)

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@tsa321 Your RCA is correct. However the suggested solution is a workaround. The correct approach would be to make the comparison function correctly identify that we are viewing an image that does exist.

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@daledah Your RCA is correct but same note as above regarding the solution. The attachment carousel should be able to tell that we are still viewing the same image even though the source did change. IOW initialPage should not be -1 because the image we are viewing does exist.

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

It's worth mentioning that the targetAttachments values has a reportAction key which remains unchanged. We can make use of that.

daledah commented 2 weeks ago

Proposal updated

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@daledah A file name is not a unique identifier and thus we cannot use it for lookup.

tsa321 commented 2 weeks ago



@s77rt I have updated my proposal with an alternative solution.

daledah commented 2 weeks ago


A file name is not a unique identifier and thus we cannot use it for lookup.

It's worth mentioning that the targetAttachments values has a reportAction key which remains unchanged. We can make use of that.

Imagine user A sends a reportAction containing 3 images to user B, all linked to a single reportAction key.

User B opens the carousel to view the 2nd image.

Then, user A edits the reportAction and removes the 2nd image.

As a result, for user B, the carousel does not close.

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@tsa321 Thanks, ~looks good overall~

Edit: see https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/48173#issuecomment-2323225431

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@daledah I'm not sure if multiple images in one report action is supported. So far I keep getting empty images, let me double check

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@daledah It turns out we can send multiple images in one report action (although it seems a bit broken; the report action id for the second image is undefined)



Thus we can't use the report action id for image identification either cc @tsa321

tsa321 commented 2 weeks ago



on alternative solution 2 and 3. Additionally, I have proposed a fix on the issue with incorrect reportActionID values (undefined) when a user sends an attachment with text or when an attachment is sent using markdown at the bottom of my proposal.

daledah commented 2 weeks ago

Updated proposal

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@tsa321 The alternative solutions are still workarounds i.e. the correct image is still not being found and this is causing the component to have incorrect state (e.g. attachments is stale). One of the side effects is that on refresh we get the not found view, where we should have gotten the correct image.

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

@daledah Same note ^ The proposed solution is a workaround. We should focus on the root cause that is the image is not being found and not on the image being dismissed. Fixing the former will by nature fix the later.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@s77rt, @kevinksullivan Whoops! This issue is 2 days overdue. Let's get this updated quick!

s77rt commented 2 weeks ago

Still looking for proposals

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

📣 It's been a week! Do we have any satisfactory proposals yet? Do we need to adjust the bounty for this issue? 💸

dominictb commented 1 week ago


Please re-state the problem that we are trying to solve in this issue.

mWeb - Attachment - Opened offline attachment directed to conversation page on online

What is the root cause of that problem?

The condition: https://github.com/Expensify/App/blob/6697c267116daaa11c1a3c8a2c1009c90326451a/src/components/Attachments/AttachmentCarousel/index.tsx#L92 will be true when we change from offline to online because at that time, the current uri to display is local uri, so the initialPage: https://github.com/Expensify/App/blob/6697c267116daaa11c1a3c8a2c1009c90326451a/src/components/Attachments/AttachmentCarousel/index.tsx#L89 will be -1 and attachments.find(compareImage) is true.

What changes do you think we should make in order to solve the problem?

In here and here, we should send an additional param to BE, like localUri = file.uri to BE.

Then, BE will attach that localUri data to the reportAction's html such as:

<img src="" data-expensify-source="" data-name="" localUri="blob:https://dev.new.expensify.com:8082/8c5b5171-0e8e-428f-8fe6-94bd5aaxd1352" />

The, FE will return that localUri in here.

Finally, update this to:

    const compareImage = useCallback((attachment: Attachment) => attachment.source === source || attachment.localUri === source, [source]);

What alternative solutions did you explore? (Optional)

s77rt commented 1 week ago

@dominictb Thanks for the proposal. The RCA makes sense but the solution does not feel right and having the BE deal with FE issues is not really something we want to implement.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

@s77rt @kevinksullivan this issue was created 2 weeks ago. Are we close to approving a proposal? If not, what's blocking us from getting this issue assigned? Don't hesitate to create a thread in #expensify-open-source to align faster in real time. Thanks!

s77rt commented 1 week ago

Still no clear solution yet

kevinksullivan commented 1 week ago

Still waiting on proposals. Keeping price as I don't think this is worth expediting among other initiatives. I'm looping in another BZ as well since I'm going OOO.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Triggered auto assignment to @mallenexpensify (Bug), see https://stackoverflow.com/c/expensify/questions/14418 for more details. Please add this bug to a GH project, as outlined in the SO.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 6 days ago

📣 It's been a week! Do we have any satisfactory proposals yet? Do we need to adjust the bounty for this issue? 💸

wildan-m commented 3 days ago

Edited by proposal-police: This proposal was edited at 2024-09-17 20:59:02 UTC.


Please re-state the problem that we are trying to solve in this issue.

Opened offline attachment redirected to conversation page when online.

What is the root cause of that problem?

This check will be true when online, as the local blob url will be replaced with the remote url and initialPage will be -1


What changes do you think we should make in order to solve the problem?

Introduce a new reportAction field optimisticSrc to store the optimistic (unuploaded blob) URL.

Fill the value when we buildOptimisticAddCommentReportAction


Extract value when we create targetAttachments:



                    hasBeenFlagged: attribs['data-flagged'] === 'true',
                    optimisticSrc: attribs['data-optimistic-src'],

Pass the value to the generated HTML. If the text contain images, the uploaded file will be at the last position of closing tag />


        const optimisticSrc = (action as OptimisticAddCommentReportAction).optimisticSrc;
        const optimisticSrcAttribute = optimisticSrc ? `${CONST.ATTACHMENT_OPTIMISTIC_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE}="${optimisticSrc}"` : '';
        const html = ReportActionsUtils.getReportActionHtml(action)
            .replace('/>', `data-flagged="${hasBeenFlagged}" data-id="${action.reportActionID}" />`)
            .replace(/\/>(?!.*\/>)/, ` ${optimisticSrcAttribute}/>`);        

When report action edited, all of the images already uploaded, we have to remove optimisticSrc from onyx since the position of image might be changed.

src/libs/actions/Report.ts > editReportComment

            lastModified: DateUtils.getDBTime(),
            optimisticSrc: null,

Modify compareImage in AttachmentCarousel for all platforms:

    const compareImage = useCallback((attachment: Attachment) => attachment.source === source || (!!attachment.optimisticSrc && attachment.optimisticSrc === source), [source]);

Then make isUploading value more accurate by identify it's source url prefix, :


const isUploading = CONST.ATTACHMENT_LOCAL_URL_PREFIX.some((prefix) => source.startsWith(prefix));

In ContextMenuActions.tsx and AttachmentCommentFragment.tsx

Branch for this solution

What alternative solutions did you explore? (Optional)

Alternative 1 -- in memory caching

We can store the reportActionID-optimisticSrc in a cache:


const reportActionOptimisticSrcCache = new Map<string, string>()
function extractAttachments(

Use existing optimisticSrc

    const htmlParser = new HtmlParser({
        onopentag: (name, attribs) => {
            const optimisticSrc = attribs[CONST.ATTACHMENT_OPTIMISTIC_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE];
            const reportActionID = attribs['data-id'];
            if (optimisticSrc) {
                reportActionOptimisticSrcCache.set(reportActionID, optimisticSrc);

Pass the value to attachments.unshift({

                    optimisticSrc: reportActionOptimisticSrcCache.get(reportActionID),

Ensure the last attachment have data-id (for case multiple images)

         const html = ReportActionsUtils.getReportActionHtml(action)
            .replace('/>', `data-flagged="${hasBeenFlagged}" data-id="${action.reportActionID}"/>`)
            .replace(/\/>(?!.*\/>)/, `data-id="${action.reportActionID}"/>`);       

Modify compareImage function


const compareImage = useCallback((attachment: Attachment) => attachment.source === source || (!!attachment.optimisticSrc && attachment.optimisticSrc === source), [

we can clear the cache when reportID change

Branch for this solution

Alternative 2 -- use sequence id

Generate sequence id and ensure report action id filled. report action ID always exists on the first open tag src/components/Attachments/AttachmentCarousel/extractAttachments.ts

        onopentag: (name, attribs) => {
            if (!firstDataID) {
                firstDataID = attribs['data-id'];

            if(reportActionIsEdited === undefined) {
                reportActionIsEdited = attribs['data-is-edited'] === 'true';
                    reportActionID: firstDataID,
                    sequenceID: sequenceID++,
                    reportActionIsEdited: reportActionIsEdited,

Add isEdited to know if the reportAction edited or not, this will ensure no false positive case. reset the sequenceId, reportActionId and reportActionIsEdited on each htmlParser.write

        const isEdited = Array.isArray(action.message) && action.message[0] ? (action.message[0] as Message).isEdited : false;
        const html = ReportActionsUtils.getReportActionHtml(action).replace('/>', `data-flagged="${hasBeenFlagged}" data-id="${action.reportActionID}" data-is-edited="${isEdited}"/>`);
        //reset sequenceID and firstDataID for each action
        sequenceID = 0;
        firstDataID = '';
        reportActionIsEdited = undefined;

capture prevTargetAttachmentsRef at the end of useEffect src/components/Attachments/AttachmentCarousel/index.tsx

        prevTargetAttachmentsRef.current = targetAttachments;

modify compareImage

    const compareImage = useCallback((attachment: Attachment) => {
        const prevOriginalAttachment = prevTargetAttachmentsRef.current.find((prevAttachment) => !attachment.reportActionIsEdited && prevAttachment.reportActionID === attachment.reportActionID && prevAttachment.sequenceID === attachment.sequenceID);
        return attachment.source === source || prevOriginalAttachment?.source === source; 
    }, [source]);

Branch for this solution

s77rt commented 2 days ago

@wildan-m Thanks for the proposal. The RCA is correct. The suggested solution looks good to me but can we use data-optimistic-src attribute? That attribute is already being added to the report action html message.

daledah commented 2 days ago

@s77rt I see that solution introduces a new reportAction field optimisticUri, but do you think it works in case the reportAction contains more than one attachment like I mentioned above?

s77rt commented 2 days ago

@daledah I don't see why it wouldn't, each attachment would have its unique optimistic source

wildan-m commented 2 days ago

Proposal Updated

@s77rt That works but the suggested changes need to be kept to preserve the optimisticSrc even if the main source URL changes.

daledah commented 2 days ago

I don't see why it wouldn't, each attachment would have its unique optimistic source

I saw in that solution, we store the optimisticSrc in report action. I think it only works in case we have only 1 attachment in action. I wonder how we can store the optimisticSrc data in case the action has more than 1 attachment?

wildan-m commented 2 days ago

I think optimistic case only support single image upload at the moment, multiple image by markdown is not previewed when offline

wildan-m commented 2 days ago

Proposal Updated

s77rt commented 2 days ago

@wildan-m Why are you still passing more data into buildOptimisticAddCommentReportAction? We already have what we need in attachmentHtml https://github.com/Expensify/App/blob/14b99ca0a12e9686818bc3e937f091199de69750/src/libs/ReportUtils.ts#L4134

s77rt commented 2 days ago

@daledah The extractAttachments logic will extract attachments from a each report action independently based on its html message, if it contains 2 attachments, then two objects will be returned.

wildan-m commented 2 days ago

Why are you still passing more data into buildOptimisticAddCommentReportAction? We already have what we need in attachmentHtml

@s77rt that generated html will be overriden from server, so we need to store optimistic source differently and not removing it even if the main source uri replaced

daledah commented 2 days ago

if it contains 2 attachments, then two objects will be returned.

Yes, I agree. However, I'm curious—if the action contains two attachments and we return the two objects you mentioned via https://github.com/Expensify/App/blob/14b99ca0a12e9686818bc3e937f091199de69750/src/components/Attachments/AttachmentCarousel/extractAttachments.ts#L76

optimisticSrc: attribs['data-optimistic-src'],

, how will their optimisticSrc data appear? The optimisticSrc in both objects will be the same, as they originate from a single source, which is:

        const optimisticSrc = (action as OptimisticAddCommentReportAction).optimisticSrc;
        const optimisticSrcAttribute = optimisticSrc ? `data-optimistic-src="${optimisticSrc}"` : '';


wildan-m commented 2 days ago


IMO currently optimistic preview only support for single image, then using optimisticSrc would be enough, but if the optimistic preview will support multiple images, we can modify the var to array e.g. optimisticSources and manipulate them in order

s77rt commented 1 day ago


that generated html will be overriden from server, so we need to store optimistic source differently

Ah I see. I'd really prefer to not save extra data in Onyx especially since it's data that we already have. In the attachment carousel the attachments array is updated through useEffect (side effect), at that time we can access both the old attachment (which contains the optimistic source) and the new attachment (from the server). Maybe we can find a way to link the two? (e.g. a way to know that this old attachment has become this new attachment)

daledah commented 1 day ago

IMO currently optimistic preview only support for single image

I mean the case:

  1. Open any report.

  2. Type message:


  1. Click "Add attachment" in "+" button beside the composer > Choose any image > Click "Send".

  2. Now, the message containing 3 images is sent.

In this case, the message returns by BE is:

        "html": "<img src=\"https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/autumn-tree-forest-leaves-bright-yellow-generative-ai_188544-12668.jpg\" alt=\"image1.jpeg\" /><br /><br /><img src=\"https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/photorealistic-view-tree-nature-with-branches-trunk_23-2151478039.jpg\" alt=\"image2.jpeg\" /><br /><br /><img src=\"https://www.expensify.com/chat-attachments/7927659170597592909/w_6007da3bf757b9489e3b34fa1fbaff902784884f.jpg.1024.jpg\" data-expensify-source=\"https://www.expensify.com/chat-attachments/7927659170597592909/w_6007da3bf757b9489e3b34fa1fbaff902784884f.jpg\" data-name=\"360_F_182011806_mxcDzt9ckBYbGpxAne8o73DbyDHpXOe9.jpg\" data-expensify-height=\"360\" data-expensify-width=\"360\" />",

and only optimisticSrc value mentioned in your proposal is not enough to differentiate between these images.

wildan-m commented 1 day ago

Maybe we can find a way to link the two? (e.g. a way to know that this old attachment has become this new attachment)

@s77rt I doubt that's possible, there is no unique identifier for each attachment

wildan-m commented 1 day ago

Proposal Updated

Thanks for the case @daledah, if we have multiple images, then uploaded image from file (not from text) will always at the last position, so we only need to add optimisticSrc attribute for the last image.

When report action edited, all of the images already uploaded, and no feature to directly upload the image, we have to remove optimisticSrc from onyx since the position of image might be changed / removed.

src/libs/actions/Report.ts > editReportComment

            lastModified: DateUtils.getDBTime(),
            optimisticSrc: null,