Open izarutskaya opened 1 day ago
Triggered auto assignment to @MitchExpensify (Bug
), see for more details. Please add this bug to a GH project, as outlined in the SO.
Expensify Card - Card details change briefly when card details RHP is refreshed
When reloading, the ONYX data isn't loaded It caused the default data is displayed in a moment
const [cardsList, cardsListMetaData] = useOnyx(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.WORKSPACE_CARDS_LIST}${workspaceAccountID}_${CONST.EXPENSIFY_CARD.BANK}`);
If (isLoadingOnyxValue(cardsListMetaData)) {
return <FullScreenLoadingIndicator />
Also need to apply to company card detail page
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@mountiny This seems like a lack of when implementing this feature. Could I take over this one?
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Version Number: 9.0.71-0 Reproducible in staging?: Yes Reproducible in production?: Yes If this was caught on HybridApp, is this reproducible on New Expensify Standalone?: N/A If this was caught during regression testing, add the test name, ID and link from TestRail: Exp Email or phone of affected tester (no customers): Issue reported by: Applause Internal Team
Action Performed:
Expected Result:
Expensify Card details will not change when card details RHP is refreshed.
Actual Result:
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