ExpensiveKoala / Refined-Avaritia

A mod for Minecraft that acts as a bridge between the Avaritia mod and Refined Storage mod.
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Potential World Corruption with Reborn storage multiblock #11

Closed LiquidLighter closed 5 years ago

LiquidLighter commented 5 years ago

I have around 800+ hours on a world in foolcraft3 version 1.5.4 I found that i can use a auto crafting multi structure instead of like 100 craters from refined storage. So i immediately built the max size for the multi structure of 16x16 and i was able to put all my patterns in. After a few minutes my game crashed and i can no longer load into the world no matter what i try I made a new world and attempted to recreate the problem, as soon as i placed down any of the multi structure blocks (i.e frame) i get an error from Refined Avaritia (by pressing crtl-I after being prompted)

ExpensiveKoala commented 5 years ago

Do you have any error logs?

LiquidLighter commented 5 years ago

sorry, i initially submitted this for reborn storage and forgot to copy paste the link here also Just some extra info. I had like 800+ CPU's within the multi block yet it was going at the same speed of a single crafter, that's when i noticed there was something wrong

report link i was given https://paste.dimdev.org/cequlolegu.mccrash

ExpensiveKoala commented 5 years ago

Oh this is the same crash as #9. I'm planning on fixing it either this weekend or the next. Been pretty busy with other stuff lately

LiquidLighter commented 5 years ago

oh okay, will be looking forward to the fix, thanks!