ExpensiveKoala / Refined-Avaritia

A mod for Minecraft that acts as a bridge between the Avaritia mod and Refined Storage mod.
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World problems while upgrading from Refined avaritia 2.2.0 to 2.2.2 #8

Closed mcdodge34 closed 5 years ago

mcdodge34 commented 5 years ago

I can't really describe it more than I can't do anything, can't put any blocks down, can't open doors anymore if I upgrade your mod from version 2.2.0 to the 2.2.2 edition, but if I upgrade to the 2.2.1, I have 0 problems to report, note here that I don't use your mod at the moment in my world, I just update the mods in the modpack I use and I'm far from anything related to Avaritia yet. I tracked the problem to your mod specifically, my base modpack is Foolcraft 3 with around 15-20 mods added (mostly quality of life + advanced rocketry), but I keep the mods up to date manually cause I like to test and report issues and help mod creators solve problems. I'm 100% sure its your mod, but maybe its an interaction with another mod, I can't really tell since there's no crash reports. If there's a way to tell what cause the problem, I don't see anything in the console when I try to put blocks down, I can mine anything I want, I just can't put blocks down, they instant disappear while still being in my inventory when I try to place something back on the slot that appear empty, but its not empty. I could try to do a video of it tonight, but for now, I gotta go to work. (I'm in GMT-5 timezone)

Scarlet-Phonavis commented 5 years ago

Alright it took 3 days for me to track down the bug to this mod. I did a bit of testing, just refined avarita + refined storage = no issue Avarita + Extreme Crafting + Refined Avarita + Refined Storage = Issue Avarita + Refined Avarita + Refined Storage = No issue Extreme Crafting + Refined Avarita + Refined Storage = No Issue

In other words its an issue when both Extreme Crafting AND Avarita are with Refined Avarita

Possibly the most untracable and annoying bug I've come across in the last year, 10/10

Just double checked in case mod author is curious, issue does not exist without Refined Avarita, Avarita, Extreme Crafting, and Refined Storage worked fine.

mcdodge34 commented 5 years ago

Wow, and because the pack I play use all of theses mods (it has custom recipes), I'll have to keep the 2.2.1 version, I'm not sure if its stable enough or I should keep 2.2.0 for now.

MasterBuilder747 commented 5 years ago

This is the worst bug by far, I'm just glad someone else has found it. I would have never known that it was all four of these mods combined. There's no log that supports this. I would perhaps let the avarita and extended [correction] crafting devs know immediately about this issue. If it's not there already, I will reference this issue post.

ExpensiveKoala commented 5 years ago

2.2 is to fix crashing when Extended Crafting wasn't installed. If you have it installed, you can use 2.1 until I find out what's causing this crash.

mcdodge34 commented 5 years ago

Ok, upgraded my server with the 2.1 version for now, since for me its the 2.2 version that cause massive problems, and my pack has the extended crafting mod installed, but I've just seen an update of the extended crafting mod, will test later to see if with this one, I get the same problems, but for now, I'm extremely busy.

ExpensiveKoala commented 5 years ago

I think I just found the issue. I am a bit busy this week so I will make the fix this weekend.