Experience-Monks / generator-jam3

This is a generator for Jam3 projects
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Add option to build with webpack instead of grunt-browserify #138

Closed cheapsteak closed 8 years ago

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago

@njam3 @mattdesl @mikkoh

Cost: TBD (respond below)

Benefit: TBD (respond below)

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago


mattdesl commented 8 years ago

Cool. I will add some stuff as I go.

So much faster than grunt-browserify

We should compare against budo as we intended it to replace grunt-browserify #79.

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago

How does budo fare on the other points?

But why not both? image

Ask during setup whether the project should use budo, webpack, or grunt-browserify for building?

mattdesl commented 8 years ago

Ask during setup whether the project should use budo, webpack, or grunt-browserify for building?

grunt-browserify should probably not even be an option for development. It is a nightmare to set up with features like LiveReload and the development experience is poor (like watchify speed).

The point of the generator is to keep all our projects consistent, so that any developer can jump on a project and have a good idea of how things work, how to develop with it, and so forth. Adding new and radically different build tools as options makes it more difficult to maintain the generator and also leads to less consistency across our projects.

I think it will be easier to strip all the grunt/browserify stuff out of the generator completely, and re-work it with webpack. With the "webpack approach" you rarely need a complex Gulp/Gruntfile since Webpack intends to solve so much of the build step. Of course, we would only do this after evaluating webpack on a project to know what features are needed, and after everybody on the team is OK with the switch.

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago

Agreed @BrendanNeufeld @jmckinnell @mikkoh wanna be the guinea pig pilot project for webpack?

jmckinnell commented 8 years ago

woah now, he said "grunt-browserify", "gulp-browserify" is still very viable.

(sidenote, sorry for the close, misclicked)

njam3 commented 8 years ago

Its already on the roadmap to remove grunt. https://github.com/Jam3/generator-jam3/issues/126, hoping we won't have to use gulp either, and just use everything through npm scripts.

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago

Oh yeah @njam3 I forgot you have Mural coming up soon, any thoughts on what you'd be using for compilation?

@jmckinnell gulp-browserify is actually just browserify, no plugins required!

There is no shortage of alternatives that are way way better than grunt-browserify, but it seems that new projects are stuck with grunt-browserify until .. there's kind of a chicken and egg problem, can't add stuff to generator unless people have used it (not even to test it out as an option during setup), but projects are all started using generator, and there's a high barrier for new projects trying out new things. It's been about a year since people have been whining about how slow grunt is, and yet it seems we're still a long way away from change

mattdesl commented 8 years ago

It should be pretty easy to change grunt-browserify to budo. The fact that it hasn't happened yet shows how little time we have to devote to the generator. This change is very small compared to the refactor that would be needed to have the generator operate on webpack instead of Grunt/browserify.

I have been testing webpack today and how it relates to modules specifically, not apps. Basically, exploring how it would change the development process for modules like these:

The main problems I'm finding with building modules using webpack:


Overall, I'm not really convinced to switch to webpack for my modules since it is a step backwards in terms of productivity, provides less Node compatibility than browserify (i.e. npm/node dependencies may break your demo), and introduces more configuration to maintain and develop per-module. However, I can definitely see its values on project like Code Splitting, HMR, etc. I have yet to evaluate it for this purpose.

njam3 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, switching to budo should have already happened but my generator time got eaten up by projects. Realistically, we only discussed changing to npm scripts a little over a month ago. I hope to find time before Mural to at least get budo setup.

mikkoh commented 8 years ago

Maybe we can adopt some stuff from Vikings for the generator. I'm currently using budo for all dev


The npm script isn't the prettiest can def be cleaned up. Agreed grunt-browserify is too slow. Before it was ok but now transforms like babelify have become the name of the game and I think this is def slowing stuff down.

For code splitting there are many options with browserify eg factor-bundle https://www.npmjs.com/package/factor-bundle

Browserify External Bundles https://github.com/Jam3/external-bundle

I've known about these things for awhile the hard thing is where do you split the code? This is a discussion we were having with the tech directors yesterday at a minimum our projects should start doing the following: preloader.js loads bundle.js

preloader.js contains only the bare minimum required to preload everything else. This will eliminate having to no preloader when loading the main.js

Beyond splitting code after that it's difficult. It's a consideration I've made for bigwheel but had no time to actually think about implementation: https://github.com/bigwheel-framework/bigwheel/issues/14

Basically what I'm saying is sure webpack can split code but what does that actually mean in practice?

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago

sure webpack can split code but what does that actually mean in practice?

I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, let me know if I'm off -

So far I think we'd want preload.js, vendor.js, and app.js

Or are you talking about lazy loading each section?

I'm not convinced that we'd get much (if any) performance benefits from further splitting up of sections. Is our JavaScript really that big after you split out the vendor files? Each section would be maybe 10kb post-compress. Seems like a feature only useful for mega-apps and would be a premature optimization for marketing sites.

That said, this is how webpack handles it: https://webpack.github.io/docs/code-splitting.html

mikkoh commented 8 years ago

@cheapsteak are you thinking that vendor.js would contain all required modules etc?

cheapsteak commented 8 years ago

@mikkoh yes

Having a separate vendor.js is useful for debugging build files so you don't have to load a 5mb js file if you want to look through the compiled code of your app (and for instances where the console doesn't use source maps and gives errors at bundle.js line: 14336)

Additionally for any long projects with several launches throughout, vendor.js (probably the largest chunk) can be aggressively cached

njam3 commented 8 years ago

I'm going to close this for now, but please reopen once webpack has been evaluated.