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Processor parameters are not transferred correctly #638

Open HB9JND opened 7 months ago

HB9JND commented 7 months ago

When I recently connected a different microphone to the SunSDR2 pro and adjusted the microphone settings in ESDR3, I noticed the following:

So far everything is working fine - but it seems that I have found a small software bug. If I change the ratio on the compressor, it seems that the new value is not adopted correctly.

Only after I closed and reopened the ESDR3 program did the compressor work correctly with the set values. The effect seems to be reproducible.

It may also be that the ratio is adopted correctly, but the automatic calculation of the correct gain for the new ratio is not carried out.

Not dramatic, but tedious for optimization processes if the program has to be closed and restarted after each adjustment.

I found the bug in the following version: ExpertSDR3, Version 1.0.5 beta, Build 03112023 Windows 11 Pro, Version 23H2

73, Hubert HB9JND

bastonc commented 2 months ago

Hello, automatic output gain control for compressor in dependencies at ratio correctly working if you changed threshold. I change on 1 point, and change back it. After that adopted is correctly. It not bug, just system of control gain work at change threshold (not ratio). Not reboot expertsdr for this ))