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GUI features / Contest setup #102

Open SM0MDG opened 1 year ago

SM0MDG commented 1 year ago

It is great to the able to turn of band and mode buttons, that's a good start, but more can be done to simplify the GUI.

Furthermore consider extend the contest settings to optimise the GUI by letting the user minimise the number of buttons and controls displayed on screen. Any contester will set the radio up before the contest and 99% of the radio control is done in the logger (and E-Coder).

A setup screen where the user chose which controls will be visible on the button row(s) would be very usable. And only display the number of rows needed to accommodate these buttons. Consider including the ability to turn off the S-meter row as relevant information is displayed in the big S-meter.

HA1AH commented 1 year ago

I fully agree. The button sizes were more economic in ExpertSDR2. In ExpertSDR3 I can hardly see the waterfalls if both RXs are switched on and RX2 placed below RX1, as N1MM windows are positioned below the main window of ExpertSDR3.

HA1AH commented 1 year ago

I must admit, the Application Scale icon helps a lot at the right bottom corner. I've just realized this feature.