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Duplex GUI and usability #134

Open rvolchkov opened 1 year ago

rvolchkov commented 1 year ago

Please offer your suggestions for how should Duplex GUI should look like and operate. Preferably, try to draw what you expect to see, at least schematically, no need to compete with Picasso)

VK6NX commented 1 year ago

Here is the quick summary of what we have/know now. This below post can be used as the start, however it does not answer all the questions (it also means if you have a question - it is better to ask). Please note, that whatever is in this post - is not EE formal/official. It is my compilation from the collection of my previous (starting from a year ago and until recent) information exchange with EE guys. I also may misinterpret or missunderstand something; and the things/plans may chnage over time leading to whatever was "actual" a year ago may be "not" today. Hence, do not be surprised if Roman or other EE guys will come later with some corrections.

Q1. Is this about both: Duplex and Predistortion? A1. No, this topic is about Duplex. Solely. Period.

Brief: When Duplex feature and Predistortion feature have some cross-dependencies, those are not the same. Also Duplex and Predistortion both have an absolute pre-requisite of the new firmware.

Note: Predistortion feature discussion topic will be created separately by EE when the time will come to discuss it.

Q2. When the Duplex is planned to be available? A2. The Duplex feature development will commence after final release of ESDR3 1.0.0 version. EE would like to use the time period between "now" and "starting of Duplex development" to collect, analyse and absorb the users views, expectations and suggestions.

Q3. Why do not start developing Duplex now? A3. EE preference is to stick to the planning. The release of ESDR3 1.0.0 should come First, because the target was (and it still is) to transfer all features from ESDR2 to ESDR3. All enhancements - Duplex and other cool features including - should come after, as Second.

Q4. What HW platforms will support Duplex? A4. For certain I am aware of SS2Pro, SS2DX and MB-1. Please stand by for EE to confirm if all of the HW versions of non-Pro SS2 can support Duplex (and if any addon needed). We also do not know as yet about any possible solution for SS2QRP (as it has only one in-build antenna port). There is a time needed to exchange and collect latest information, EE will post it here, when it is clear.

Q5. What about furmware, why it is important for Duplex? A5. All new (extended, addon) features, like Duplex, require new firmware. This is unavoidable prerequisite and combination of two things:

Also note, that firmware is HW-platform dependent, i.e, there is unique firmware per unique HW platform: QRP, SS2, SS2Pro, DX, MB1. Duplex feature set was already successfully embedded/tested into latest SS2QRP firmware - just for test purposes, to make sure it, solely on programming level, does what it suppose to do. Other HW platforms are in line, waiting for new firmare releases. We do not have any timeframe from EE as yet, they will brief us on that as the time will approach.

Q6. How the Duplex will operate and how it will look like in ESDR3? A6. This is solely dependent on you, guys, on users. That is why this topic is here. Express your wishes, draw your design suggestions, ask for feature add-ons. Please be productive, descriptive and detail your requests with all nesessary arguments. As far as I know, there is no target to make it "exactly the same as everywhere", it will be unique ESDR3 implementation of the common feature + whatever will be needed.

Any further questions? Ask. Less speculations - more positive and productive it will be.

Если нужен перевод на русский - говорите, переведу, не проблема.

1972igor commented 1 year ago

Вопрос 7 реализация поддержки правильного входного уровня, для мониторинга дуплекс ( автоматический уровень , АТТ + АТТ приёмника ) избежание перегруза в зависимости от мощности используемого усилителя

VK6NX commented 1 year ago

Вопрос 8 Термо компенсация УМ работа пред искажений ? Компенсация потери мощности при прогреве УМ трансивера( при прогреве мощность падает на 10-10Вт) решение вопроса ????

Игорь, у вас какая оценка в школе была по чтению, два или три? И давно ли вы проверялись на предмет рассеянного внимания? Вроде прямо в Q1-A1 написано, что данный топик Роман сделал для обсуждения Дуплекса. И только Дуплекса. А для предискажений будет отдельный топик и там вы оторветесь по полной.

И искренний совет - попробуйте свой поток сознания умещать в один пост, а не 10. Подумайте о людях (о программистах), им же тяжело читать. Пролистнут и все, а вы потом будете сокрушаться, что на вас опять внимания не обращают.

Ну право слово, уже повзрослеть бы как-нибудь...

John-KC2QMA commented 1 year ago

The ability to monitor/listen to your transmitted signal with RX2.

1972igor commented 1 year ago

возможность записи аудио файла при работе дуплекса в режиме ТХ отображение панорамы Дуплекса средних и пиковых значений спектра в режиме передачи