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Fan / Temperature controls built into ESDR3 #36

Open John-KC2QMA opened 2 years ago

John-KC2QMA commented 2 years ago

I own a MB1 and would love to have fan & temperature controls built into ESDR3. Currently I have to use the “MB1 Utility” witch works fine but it would be nice to have the same utility functions built into ESDR3. I’m sure SDR2 DX owners would like this feature also.

John-KC2QMA commented 2 years ago

Would also be nice to have more control over fan speeds in MB1. Such as continuously variable speed instead of the fixed Off, Low, Middle, High, Turbo settings. A slider control would be better.

I find the default lowest speed in the MB1 "Off" while ESDR3 is open should be the “Middle” speed any lower seems to create heat build up inside the unit and could lead to shorter component life. I would like to have a way when I open ESDR3 the fans automatically go to “High” speed not Turbo while ESDR3 is running and back to “Middle” when ESDR3 is closed. Although yes there will be a little more fan noise while ESDR3 is open I feel the longer component life and overall less thermal stress on the system is worth the compromise in my opinion.

I do believe I may have found a simple change to the MB1 top cover and top shield plate that will lower case temps dramatically. We can talk about this in another thread.

Thanks John KC2QMA