ExpoSEJS / ExpoSE

A Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine for JavaScript. ExpoSE is highly scalable, compatible with recent JavaScript standards, and supports symbolic modelling of strings and regular expressions.
MIT License
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How to understand output report ?? #113

Closed trungkien20020428 closed 7 months ago

trungkien20020428 commented 7 months ago

I run something in tests folder like :

./expoSE tests/regex/match/captures/anchors.js

and give some report like that :

[+] ExpoSE /home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/match/captures/anchors.js concurrent: 8 timeout: 7200000 per-test: 2400000
[\] [0 done /0 queued / 1 running / 0 errors / 0% coverage ] ***(node:1001) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
[-] [4 done /0 queued / 0 running / 3 errors / 32% coverage ] ***
[+] {"_bound":0,"X":""} took 5.923s
[+] {"X":"abc","_bound":14} took 4.932s
[!] Reachable
[!] expoSE replay '/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/match/captures/anchors.js' '{"X":"abc","_bound":14}'
[+] {"X":"abchello","_bound":19} took 6.257s
[!] Reachable
[!] expoSE replay '/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/match/captures/anchors.js' '{"X":"abchello","_bound":19}'
[+] {"X":"helloabc","_bound":18} took 6.267s
[!] Reachable
[!] expoSE replay '/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/match/captures/anchors.js' '{"X":"helloabc","_bound":18}'
[!] Stats
[+] General Function Call: 20
[+] Symbolic Values: 4
[+] Symbolic Primitives: 4
[+] Wrapped Constants: 20
[+] Symbolic Field: 4
[+] Modeled Function Call: {"#match":4}
[+] Regex Encoded: 4
[+] Regex Which May Need Checks: 4
[+] Regex Checks: 6
[+] Max Queries (Any): 1
[+] Max Queries (Succesful): 1
[+] Symbolic Binary: 16
[+] Failed Queries: 5
[!] Done
[+] /home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/match/captures/anchors.js. Coverage (Term): 82% Coverage (Decisions): 69% Coverage (LOC): 100% Lines Of Code: 20 -*
[+] Total Lines Of Code 20
[+] Total Coverage: 1%
[+] EXPOSE_PRINT_COVERAGE=1 for line by line breakdown
[+] ExpoSE Finished. 4 paths, 3 errors

and it created a file like

J$.iids = {"8":[12,6,12,17],"9":[3,10,3,17],"10":[8,11,8,24],"16":[16,6,16,28],"17":[3,18,3,22],"18":[12,6,12,17],"24":[10,5,10,22],"25":[3,10,3,23],"26":[16,8,16,20],"33":[3,10,3,23],"34":[16,6,16,28],"41":[3,10,3,23],"49":[4,9,4,11],"57":[4,19,4,22],"65":[4,24,4,26],"73":[4,9,4,27],"75":[4,9,4,18],"81":[4,9,4,27],"89":[4,9,4,27],"97":[8,1,8,3],"105":[8,11,8,12],"113":[8,11,8,19],"121":[8,22,8,24],"129":[8,1,8,25],"131":[8,1,8,10],"137":[8,1,8,26],"145":[10,5,10,14],"153":[10,20,10,21],"161":[10,5,10,22],"163":[10,5,10,19],"169":[12,6,12,7],"177":[12,8,12,9],"185":[12,6,12,10],"193":[12,14,12,17],"201":[13,9,13,22],"209":[13,9,13,22],"217":[13,3,13,23],"225":[16,6,16,7],"233":[16,8,16,9],"241":[16,8,16,16],"249":[16,19,16,20],"257":[16,6,16,21],"265":[16,25,16,28],"273":[17,9,17,22],"281":[17,9,17,22],"289":[17,3,17,23],"297":[20,8,20,19],"305":[20,8,20,19],"313":[20,2,20,20],"321":[1,1,21,2],"329":[1,1,21,2],"337":[1,1,21,2],"345":[12,2,14,3],"353":[16,2,18,3],"361":[10,1,21,2],"369":[1,1,21,2],"377":[1,1,21,2],"nBranches":6,"originalCodeFileName":"/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/anchors/both.js","instrumentedCodeFileName":"/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/anchors/both_jalangi_.js","code":"/* Copyright (c) Royal Holloway, University of London | Contact Blake Loring (blake@parsed.uk), Duncan Mitchell (Duncan.Mitchell.2015@rhul.ac.uk), or Johannes Kinder (johannes.kinder@rhul.ac.uk) for details or support | LICENSE.md for license details */\n\n'use strict';\nvar S$ = require('S$');\nvar q = S$.symbol(\"q\", '');\n\n//This assumption is required to make the testcase solve in reasonable time with Z3\n//This is not due to the regular expression but in fact due to the q.length and str.at\nS$.assume(q.length < 10);\n\nif (/^--.+=$/.test(q)) {\n\n\tif (q[0] != '-') {\n\t\tthrow 'Unreachable';\n\t}\n\n\tif (q[q.length - 1] != '=') {\n\t\tthrow 'Unreachable';\n\t}\n\n\tthrow 'Reachable';\n}\n"};
    while (true) {
        try {
            J$.Se(321, '/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/anchors/both_jalangi_.js', '/home/kien/ExpoSE/tests/regex/anchors/both.js');
            J$.N(329, 'S$', S$, 0);
            J$.N(337, 'q', q, 0);
            var S$ = J$.X1(41, J$.W(33, 'S$', J$.F(25, J$.R(9, 'require', require, 2), 0)(J$.T(17, 'S$', 21, false)), S$, 3));
            var q = J$.X1(89, J$.W(81, 'q', J$.M(73, J$.R(49, 'S$', S$, 1), 'symbol', 0)(J$.T(57, "q", 21, false), J$.T(65, '', 21, false)), q, 3));
            J$.X1(137, J$.M(129, J$.R(97, 'S$', S$, 1), 'assume', 0)(J$.B(10, '<', J$.G(113, J$.R(105, 'q', q, 1), 'length', 0), J$.T(121, 10, 22, false), 0)));
            if (J$.X1(361, J$.C(24, J$.M(161, J$.T(145, /^--.+=$/, 14, false), 'test', 0)(J$.R(153, 'q', q, 1))))) {
                if (J$.X1(345, J$.C(8, J$.B(18, '!=', J$.G(185, J$.R(169, 'q', q, 1), J$.T(177, 0, 22, false), 4), J$.T(193, '-', 21, false), 0)))) {
                    throw J$.X1(217, J$.Th(209, J$.T(201, 'Unreachable', 21, false)));
                if (J$.X1(353, J$.C(16, J$.B(34, '!=', J$.G(257, J$.R(225, 'q', q, 1), J$.B(26, '-', J$.G(241, J$.R(233, 'q', q, 1), 'length', 0), J$.T(249, 1, 22, false), 0), 4), J$.T(265, '=', 21, false), 0)))) {
                    throw J$.X1(289, J$.Th(281, J$.T(273, 'Unreachable', 21, false)));
                throw J$.X1(313, J$.Th(305, J$.T(297, 'Reachable', 21, false)));
        } catch (J$e) {
            J$.Ex(369, J$e);
        } finally {
            if (J$.Sr(377)) {
                continue jalangiLabel0;
            } else {
                break jalangiLabel0;

term '// JALANGI DO NOT INSTRUMENT' like me run something wrong ?

I am not know why total Coverage is so less.

And does it have something like string test make regex failed ? Thank you. Kien Hoang

trungkien20020428 commented 7 months ago

I already understand this report so i close this issue.