ExpoSEJS / ExpoSE

A Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine for JavaScript. ExpoSE is highly scalable, compatible with recent JavaScript standards, and supports symbolic modelling of strings and regular expressions.
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How to use and get reports #75

Closed jm4rc05 closed 5 years ago

jm4rc05 commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to learn and use some DSE tools, and found ExpoSE, but sorry, I couldn't get it to work. The question is: what I'm doing wrong or not seeing properly?

The setup was fine, and I executed successfully all tests running ./scripts/run_testes.

Now I'm running the command EXPOSE_LOG_LEVEL=3 EXPOSE_PRINT_PATHS=1 EXPOSE_PRINT_COVERAGE=1 expoSE ./minimist, and after a few minutes I got some messages, evertything seens to be fine, but those two messages points to a dead-end:

[!] Wrote final coverage to /var/folders/g1/zw1lbf2x0gz_b1n899bhjszw0000gn/T/tmp-34291p8JnimJ4p6bm
[!] Wrote final output to /var/folders/g1/zw1lbf2x0gz_b1n899bhjszw0000gn/T/tmp-34291PpRL57fVU2JE

Those files doesn't exists after the script has finished! I got some more messages, a listing from index.js, and the files index_jalangi.js and index_jalangi.json was generated and I'm studying them now.

But I didn't got any luck running the UI! After selecting minimist/index.js using the Analyze option, runtime counter finish at ~18/19, no info is reported, and at Output tab I got:

( . . . )

,SyntaxError: Unexpected token in / in JSON at position 0
,at JSON.parse()
,at Object.(/Users/ra978165/Developer/ExpoSE/Distributor/bin/Distributor.js:39:23)
,at Module._compile(module.js:571:32)

( . . . )

The other tabs and all info is blank! At this point I ventured some debugging, and at this point ExpoSE seens to be trying to load ./minimist/index.js using the JSON.parser() and I didn't figure out what can I do to fix my input, since the Analyse option didn't enable .json files! The Load option didn't the trick either!

A few hints would be greatly appreciated!

jawline commented 5 years ago


Sorry about the late reply - I didn't notice the issue.

Do you want to execute an automatically generated test harness for minimist? If so I would try:

npm install minimist

The ahg command will generate a generic harness for the program. If not then you will need to manually construct a test case (a small JS program which uses require to import the library, constructs some symbols and then calls the desired methods). Examples can be found in the tests/ folder.

Logging in ExpoSE is largely for development, and can actually break some programs, so for general analysis it should be turned off (console.log, toString, etc can have side-effects in the program under test).

jm4rc05 commented 5 years ago

Great!!! I'll give it a spin. thanks