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SAR/radar for cubesat, membrane reflectarray antenna #16

Open NirViaje opened 5 years ago

NirViaje commented 5 years ago


SRI-CubeSat Imaging Radar for Earth Science (SRI-CIRES)

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NirViaje commented 5 years ago

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NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Radio Frequency Risk Reduction Deployment Demonstration (R3D2)


The R3D2 prototype array, packed inside a 330lb (150kg) satellite, includes a tissue-thin Kapton membrane antenna designed to expand to a size of 7.4 feet (2.25 meters) once in orbit. DARPA said the antenna could help provide high data rate communications to disadvantaged users on the ground. The agency said the satellite design, development, and launch took approximately 18 months.

Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor on the satellite, MMA Design designed and built the antenna, Trident Systems designed and built R3D2’s software-defined radio, and Blue Canyon Technologies provided the spacecraft bus.

Our Radio Frequency Risk Reduction Deployment Demonstration (R3D2) is set for #launch in late February to space-qualify new type of membrane reflectarray antenna. Made of a tissue-thin Kapton membrane, antenna deploys to 2.25 meters diameter once in LEO. https://go.usa.gov/xEZux

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Frequency Range and Bandwidth for Small Sats

NirViaje commented 5 years ago



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NirViaje commented 2 years ago


Optical membrane

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Membrane optics is a flat lens that employs plastic in place of glass to diffract rather than reflect or refract light. Concentric microscopic grooves etched into the plastic provide the diffraction.[1]

Glass transmits light with 90% efficiency, while membrane efficiencies range from 30-55%. Membrane thickness is on the order of that of plastic wrap.[1]

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Diffractive Fresnel Lens
