ExponentialDeepSpace / exponentialdeepspace.github.io

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Open NirViaje opened 5 years ago

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

diagram of the proposed exponential deep space industries

Slogan [1]

Informally speaking, it's just a project on automatically duplicate the solar furnace for steel smelting in deep space.


through the system below:

  1. With adaptive optics reflector
  2. Towards asteroid in M-type
  3. Under the process of Solar focus pit melting
  4. And the process of Rolling/Forming/3D Printing
  5. To duplicate the adaptive optics reflector at exponential scale
  6. Through space robotics and AI system

achieve the goal of limited the supplement from the earth, bootstrap from the Initial Base Package to exponentially scale up the industry in deep space.

Prospective goals

  1. Double the volume of production for each year, get 1 million tonnes per year in 10 to 20 years
  2. It is equivalent to kilos of cabins a year of expansion
  3. While closing and achieved the scale,

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How to contribute #32

12 accidentally covered most topics as content frame now.

Methodology combination #5 #6

Power utilizing #5 Solar furnace Solar pumped laser Nuclear reactor for mainbelt target
Primary shaping Raw iron sheet/beam Powder metallurgy
Refining Zone melting Artificial gravity industrial station Heat pipe cold source
Secondary shaping #6 Rolling Sintering 3D printing

Time frame #20


Estimation of production rate and extrapolation for deep space human habitat

single solar collector for 2000m sq, focus spot for 2m sq

wire drawing for 10m/kg, 10m/s

Laser cutter irons for large scale structure

Electric Propulsion for 120kT, deltaV for just 1km/s

If we take the example of a space city/station of 4kT, which is 10 times of ISS in the orbit now

for solar-heat distill of water and other volatility components from class C asteroid

NirViaje commented 5 years ago



A near-Earth object (NEO) is any small Solar System body whose orbit can bring it into proximity with Earth. By convention, a Solar System body is a NEO if its closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) is less than 1.3 astronomical units (AU).[2] If a NEO's orbit crosses the Earth's and the object is larger than 140 meters (460 ft) across, it is considered a potentially hazardous object (PHO).[3] Most known PHOs and NEOs are asteroids, but a small fraction are comets.[1]

Target asteroids









NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Main thread


  1. KSP kind of open source/free to use simulator
  2. Kaggle kind of community drive
  3. Linux kind of work prototype
  4. Redhat kind of engineering implements

the works of opensource community

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Fundamental knowledge

Space System

Rocket/Electric propulsion

Systems Engineering

Space City

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Why we need industry in deep space

the EDS

Exponential Deep Space

Why asteroid #3

How we do

What will this impact

How to do

It's a long journey.



How to make the Apollo-scale project done while roughly not by the government?

Why start as simulation

Evaluate experiments


Time and roughly budget frame

Team and community


other project
