ExposuresProvider / cam-pipeline

Data loading pipeline for CAM database
MIT License
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Feedback to the frontend from Meisha #137

Open gaurav opened 3 months ago

gaurav commented 3 months ago
  1. Queries should be AND, not OR
  2. The list of CAM models can get very long -- either make it scrollable or allow you to jump over it.
  3. Add some sort of overall navigation tool so you don't get lost in the big boxes.
  4. Add some way to filter the concept table to a subset of entities, and to hide cases where the cells are blank.
    • This is particularly important because one use-case is to say "how are A, B and C related?" -- we want to be able to say "we don't have anything on all three, but here are three pathways that talk about A & B and here are two that talk about A & C"
  5. Add another view that focuses on the search terms, e.g. NCBIGene:4615.
    • The goal is to make it easy to find the models that say interesting things about the searched entity.
    • So adding a column to the large model table would be SUPER helpful.
  6. Add CAM model to search and also as a "lookup" for a particular model.
  7. https://github.com/ExposuresProvider/cam-pipeline/issues/142