ExposuresProvider / noctua-models

Repository of OWL models
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Meisha #13

Closed mam288 closed 1 year ago

mam288 commented 1 year ago

Added title and status to the models. It seems to be flagging the whole prefix as different.It looks like it's because there are two tabs instead of one. Does the number of tabs make a difference?

mam288 commented 1 year ago

@balhoff I pulled the main branch into my local repository so they should be the same now. I'm not sure what you mean by defining prefix twice? There are two @prefix : lines but they have different urls? Do I get rid of one?

balhoff commented 1 year ago

@balhoff I pulled the main branch into my local repository so they should be the same now. I'm not sure what you mean by defining prefix twice? There are two @Prefix : lines but they have different urls? Do I get rid of one?

Yes, the second will just override the first. But there is no point to defining a : prefix if you aren't using it anywhere.

mam288 commented 1 year ago

@balhoff Does it matter which one I remove?

balhoff commented 1 year ago

@balhoff Does it matter which one I remove?

Sorry, I was mistaken, you are using the : prefix in the data: https://github.com/ExposuresProvider/noctua-models/blob/152e37cb4bd7723a976bddd2b81c80c7308699af/models/aop_100_model.ttl#L125

So yes it does matter, since you need the IRIs to match any place where you have used the full IRI. An example is <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/ont.owl#prostaglandin%20F2alpha> and :prostaglandin%20F2alpha here: https://github.com/ExposuresProvider/noctua-models/blob/152e37cb4bd7723a976bddd2b81c80c7308699af/models/aop_100_model.ttl#L85-L92

So that tells you which : prefix you need to retain.

mam288 commented 1 year ago

@balhoff In in this example I'd remove the first instance of @prefix? The code below individuals uses http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/ont.owl) not http://www.semanticweb.org?

balhoff commented 1 year ago

@balhoff In in this example I'd remove the first instance of @Prefix? The code below individuals uses http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/ont.owl) not http://www.semanticweb.org?
