ExpressLRS / web-flasher

Web-hosted flasher for ExpressLRS version 3 firmware
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After flashing, UI loses the connection state #8

Closed dz0ny closed 2 years ago

dz0ny commented 2 years ago

When one flashes the image, then goes back to start of wizard and then comes progresses to the last flash step, the Serial will be still connected but the button will say it's not.

  1. I think navigating while flashing should not be allowed
  2. After moving to first step and not flashing serial connection should be closed.
pkendall64 commented 2 years ago

Yes, agreed, there are a bunch of cleanups, UX things I need to do.

pkendall64 commented 2 years ago

I fixed this today, as well as a ton of other niceties in the UI. Could you test and close if you're satisfied. Open other tickets too if you find anything of note.

dz0ny commented 2 years ago

image is a biit too much. I would only show it if you click on a button for autodiscovery (button can be disabled but then you show for example question mark and only then show notice on click).

pkendall64 commented 2 years ago

Fair call, I've re-developed that part and done some other UX cleanup along the way.