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Noir #62

Open extratone opened 2 years ago

extratone commented 2 years ago

Noir Icon



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releaseNotes=Hi there! This update of Noir adds a set of great new features that make Noir more customizable than ever before!

Custom Themes

You can now create your very own custom themes and tweak these exactly to your liking. You can change the background and text colors, and also set image dimming and (new in this update!) image gray scaling per theme. After you have created the perfect theme, it's really easy to share this theme with other users of Noir. Just send them the special link and when they open it on their device, they can import your theme and start using it immediately! Not the creative type? Don't worry, Noir now also comes with a library of over 20 pre-made themes that you can now add with just a single tap.

Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts

You can now tweak which specific key combinations are used for Noir's keyboard shortcuts. And that's not all, because there are also many new keyboard shortcuts that you can set up, including ones for switching Noir's theme and disabling Noir until tomorrow.

Website Fixes & Improvements

As always, this update also includes many fixes and improvements based on your reports. Thank you so much for sending these in and helping me improve Noir!

This update was directly inspired by your input and feedback, so thank you so much! I hope you like the new features! If you like Noir, please consider leaving a review of Noir in the App Store! That really does help a lot! Jeffrey

description=Noir is a Safari extension that automatically adds a dark mode to every website you visit. It makes browsing the web at night so much better. With Noir, you won’t be blinded by bright websites ever again. And the results look great too. Noir generates a custom dark style for each website you visit, based on the colors that are used on a page. You won’t even notice this happening in the background – that’s how fast it is – but you’ll certainly appreciate the end result: a beautiful dark mode tailored for each website, where contrast is preserved and highlights still pop. And with over 20 built-in themes and the ability to create your own, you can customize the results exactly the way you want. Noir works with any website you visit in Safari, automatically. By default, Noir is linked to your device’s Dark Mode, so websites will only go dark when you want them to. But you can easily customize this to your liking, even per website. Only want to use Noir on just a few specific websites? Sure thing! Disable Noir on some websites? No problem! Built from the ground up for iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, the app feels right at home on your device. It supports the brand new Safari web extension feature, which means there’s no need to manually activate it every time you load a new page. The app also tightly integrates with system features such as Shortcuts to fully integrate Noir in all your workflows. And your settings are automatically synced to all your devices using iCloud. And just as importantly, Noir takes your privacy seriously: it doesn’t collect any of your browsing data. Period. Noir is made by a solo iOS developer. It does not include any subscriptions or ads. Buy Noir once, use it forever. Notes: • Found a website where Noir’s dark mode doesn’t look just right? Let me know by reporting it. The app will be frequently updated to address issues that are reported. Privacy Policy: • The Noir extension requires access to the websites you visit to analyze the existing style of the page and to override it with Noir's dark style. • Noir never collects your browsing data. The only data Noir ‘collects’ are your settings, and those will never leave your device. • You can read Noir’s full Privacy Policy at https://getnoir.app/privacypolicy



genreIds=6002 6007


trackName=Noir - Dark Mode for Safari




sellerName=Jeffrey Kuiken


trackCensoredName=Noir - Dark Mode for Safari languageCodesISO2A=EN


sellerUrl=https://getnoir.app formattedPrice=$2.99







currency=USD price=2.99


artistName=Jeffrey Kuiken

genres=Utilities Productivity






Custom Themes
Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts
- # Website Fixes & Improvements
- Found a website where Noir’s dark mode doesn’t look just right? Let me know by reporting it. The app will be frequently updated to address issues that are reported.
- Noir never collects your browsing data. The only data Noir ‘collects’ are your settings, and those will never leave your device.
- You can read Noir’s full Privacy Policy at https://getnoir.app/privacypolicy
- The Noir extension requires access to the websites you visit to analyze the existing style of the page and to override it with Noir's dark style.
- advisories=, 
- After you have created the perfect theme, it's really easy to share this theme with other users of Noir. Just send them the special link and when they open it on their device, they can import your theme and start using it immediately!
- And just as importantly, Noir takes your privacy seriously: it doesn’t collect any of your browsing data. Period.
- And the results look great too. Noir generates a custom dark style for each website you visit, based on the colors that are used on a page. You won’t even notice this happening in the background – that’s how fast it is – but you’ll certainly appreciate the end result: a beautiful dark mode tailored for each website, where contrast is preserved and highlights still pop. And with over 20 built-in themes and the ability to create your own, you can customize the results exactly the way you want.
- appletvScreenshotUrls= 
- artistId=1163503860
- artistName=Jeffrey Kuiken
- artistViewUrl=https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/jeffrey-kuiken/id1163503860
- artworkUrl100=https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple122/v4/bb/6a/b7/bb6ab762-3773-cc62-e07c-0a19f8da90b2/AppIcon-0-1x_U007emarketing-0-7-0-85-220.png/100x100bb.jpg
- artworkUrl512=https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple122/v4/bb/6a/b7/bb6ab762-3773-cc62-e07c-0a19f8da90b2/AppIcon-0-1x_U007emarketing-0-7-0-85-220.png/512x512bb.jpg
- artworkUrl60=https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple122/v4/bb/6a/b7/bb6ab762-3773-cc62-e07c-0a19f8da90b2/AppIcon-0-1x_U007emarketing-0-7-0-85-220.png/60x60bb.jpg
- As always, this update also includes many fixes and improvements based on your reports. Thank you so much for sending these in and helping me improve Noir!
- averageUserRating=4.5701999999999998181010596454143524169921875
- averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion=4.5701999999999998181010596454143524169921875
- Built from the ground up for iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, the app feels right at home on your device. It supports the brand new Safari web extension feature, which means there’s no need to manually activate it every time you load a new page. The app also tightly integrates with system features such as Shortcuts to fully integrate Noir in all your workflows. And your settings are automatically synced to all your devices using iCloud.
- bundleId=nl.jeffreykuiken.NoirApp
- contentAdvisoryRating=4+
- currency=USD
- currentVersionReleaseDate=2022-07-25T06:01:58Z
- description=Noir is a Safari extension that automatically adds a dark mode to every website you visit.
- features=iosUniversal
- fileSizeBytes=7688192
- formattedPrice=$2.99
- genreIds=6002
- genres=Utilities
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- https://is1-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/PurpleSource112/v4/1d/ff/8a/1dff8a60-db27-eb12-fe2d-1ea20b0da968/143973b5-3d28-42f5-8ec5-c11a5ebd4aef_3.png/576x768bb.png
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- https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/PurpleSource122/v4/d6/36/8e/d6368e94-c934-721d-e9e2-0c86d9354f35/ce0f5bb2-e2c6-4de5-81b7-a68d03989be2_3.png/392x696bb.png
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- If you like Noir, please consider leaving a review of Noir in the App Store! That really does help a lot!
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- iPadProThirdGenCellular-iPadProThirdGenCellular
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- iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen
- isGameCenterEnabled=false
- isVppDeviceBasedLicensingEnabled=true
- It makes browsing the web at night so much better. With Noir, you won’t be blinded by bright websites ever again.
- Jeffrey
- kind=software
- languageCodesISO2A=EN
- minimumOsVersion=15.0
- Noir is made by a solo iOS developer. It does not include any subscriptions or ads. Buy Noir once, use it forever.
- Noir works with any website you visit in Safari, automatically. By default, Noir is linked to your device’s Dark Mode, so websites will only go dark when you want them to. But you can easily customize this to your liking, even per website. Only want to use Noir on just a few specific websites? Sure thing! Disable Noir on some websites? No problem!
- Not the creative type? Don't worry, Noir now also comes with a library of over 20 pre-made themes that you can now add with just a single tap.
- Notes:
- price=2.99
- primaryGenreId=6002
- primaryGenreName=Utilities
- Privacy Policy:
- Productivity
- releaseDate=2021-09-20T07:00:00Z
- releaseNotes=Hi there! This update of Noir adds a set of great new features that make Noir more customizable than ever before!
- screenshotUrls=[
- sellerName=Jeffrey Kuiken
- sellerUrl=https://getnoir.app
- supportedDevices=iPhone5s-iPhone5s
- This update was directly inspired by your input and feedback, so thank you so much! I hope you like the new features!
- trackCensoredName=Noir - Dark Mode for Safari
- trackContentRating=4+
- trackId=1581140954
- trackName=Noir - Dark Mode for Safari
- trackViewUrl=https://apps.apple.com/us/app/noir-dark-mode-for-safari/id1581140954?uo=4
- userRatingCount=698
- userRatingCountForCurrentVersion=698
- version=2022.2
- wrapperType=software
- You can now create your very own custom themes and tweak these exactly to your liking. You can change the background and text colors, and also set image dimming and (new in this update!) image gray scaling per theme.
- You can now tweak which specific key combinations are used for Noir's keyboard shortcuts. And that's not all, because there are also many new keyboard shortcuts that you can set up, including ones for switching Noir's theme and disabling Noir until tomorrow.

