Extraltodeus / depthmap2mask

Create masks out of depthmaps in img2img
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enable masked input only in inpaint mode so full resolution inpaint is possible #30

Open 2blackbar opened 1 year ago

2blackbar commented 1 year ago

Can you enable this ? so depth2mask is processing only the part that was masked ? in full resolution inpaint mode it currently process the whole image and thats no good, its fine for regular img2img or non full res inpaint/ The thing is i just want to inpaint a hand on big image, or part of the chest armor, but currently its processing whole image. You think thats possible to change so the pipeline will check if image was masked or not and then try to process it with depth models to get the proper depth mask ?

odragora commented 1 year ago

Yes, that is exactly what I would really happy to have! It would be incredible to be able to use this tool in inpainting. It gives so much better results than the standard img2img, but it completely ignores the mask.