Extraltodeus / depthmap2mask

Create masks out of depthmaps in img2img
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Clone specific version of Midas #44

Closed jwvanderbeck closed 1 year ago

jwvanderbeck commented 1 year ago

stable-diffusion-webui's env is not compatible with 3.1 of Midas

Extraltodeus commented 1 year ago

thank you

Snowy9199 commented 1 year ago

so I am extremely new to all this, how do you use the @jwvanderbeck Clone specific version of Midas ? I cant seem to download it and it doesn't seem to be a command line prompt. do i need to copy it to a text file and run it using visual studio code? does it matter which folder i run it in? do I need to use a certain program? do i add it as a file somewhere? do i add the instructions to an existing flie? I don't really know how to google my way out of this one because I'm unsure what to ask so ELI5 please.

jwvanderbeck commented 1 year ago

The project already merged in my fixes, so you don't need to do anything except be on the latest version. If you are "stuck" on an older version before this was fixed and can't get updated, the easiest thing is probably to simply delete and reinstall