A privacy-respecting, ad-free, self-hosted Google metasearch engine with strong security that offers full API support and utilizes Qwant for images, and DuckDuckGo for auto-complete.
Adds foundation for support for other text engines
Adds Qwant engine as a fallback
Fixes valid bangs not being recognized if placed after an invalid bang (e.g. with the query !foobariminvalid !ddg cats, the valid ddg bang wouldn't be noticed.)
API improvements
Not very important things;
Some slight code improvements (mainly within the HTML templates)
Created .dockerignore
Docker containers no longer use a venv (there's just going to be 1 python app anyway, so there's really no risk of dependency conflicts)
!foobariminvalid !ddg cats
, the validddg
bang wouldn't be noticed.)Not very important things;
Closes https://github.com/Extravi/araa-search/pull/106 Closes https://github.com/Extravi/araa-search/issues/105