A privacy-respecting, ad-free, self-hosted Google metasearch engine with strong security that offers full API support and utilizes Qwant for images, and DuckDuckGo for auto-complete.
How could I host this on github I'm sorry I wanted to use this as a base on github I credited you guys with the read me if you want me to shut down my private ver but anyways how would I have a github page render a main screen like I do know index.htmls could work but I don't have one for this can I get help?
How could I host this on github I'm sorry I wanted to use this as a base on github I credited you guys with the read me if you want me to shut down my private ver but anyways how would I have a github page render a main screen like I do know index.htmls could work but I don't have one for this can I get help?