A privacy-respecting, ad-free, self-hosted Google metasearch engine with strong security that offers full API support and utilizes Qwant for images, and DuckDuckGo for auto-complete.
When using it I recognized that the Google Domain can be changed to different country instances.
For example I'm using google.de and it's working great, search results are identical to google.de results.
What didn't change with this option is the autocomplete language, all autocomplete entries are still english.
Would it be possible to add an Autocomplete language option similar to the Google-Domain option?
Really excited about future development, thanks a lot!
I discovered Araa and really like it.
When using it I recognized that the Google Domain can be changed to different country instances. For example I'm using google.de and it's working great, search results are identical to google.de results. What didn't change with this option is the autocomplete language, all autocomplete entries are still english.
Would it be possible to add an Autocomplete language option similar to the Google-Domain option?
Really excited about future development, thanks a lot!