Describe the contents of the round
One of each team is selected as the leader. All other CT's are teleported to the T leader and the other T's are teleported to the CT leader. The leaders are trying to get lose their followers by moving unexpectedly. If a player is too far from the leader, they receive damage. This continues until the followers of either of the 2 teams is completely wiped out.
Additional context
Maybe give the leaders a pistol or knife so they can break windows, but disallow damaging others.
Round name Monkey see, Monkey do
Describe the contents of the round One of each team is selected as the leader. All other CT's are teleported to the T leader and the other T's are teleported to the CT leader. The leaders are trying to get lose their followers by moving unexpectedly. If a player is too far from the leader, they receive damage. This continues until the followers of either of the 2 teams is completely wiped out.
Additional context Maybe give the leaders a pistol or knife so they can break windows, but disallow damaging others.