EyeSeeTea / EDSApp

Android app to help with health center assessments (EDS blessed repository)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sburnett@path.org on build #10: Small screen sometimes occurs and cuts off sides #57

Open ifoche opened 8 years ago

ifoche commented 8 years ago

Sometimes when first starting up the landing page the bars for active assessments and completed survey only fill up the center of the screen - and do not go all the way across. If you click through to the survey selection page it's the same.

I'm able to fix this by exiting and re-entering the survey, so it's not a big problem, but it would be great if it could be fixed.

Device typeSM-T230NU
Screen size800
Screen size800px by 1280px
Battery96% Unplugged
Memory free344 MB / 1319 MB

Link to buddybuild feedback from build 10

smburnett commented 8 years ago

So this has continued to happen to several of our participants during the Kenya training. We were able to fix it by clicking on --> menu --> settings - then exiting back out again. That worked most of the time. When that didn't work - sometimes we would try checking the "Hide Planning Tab" - which also worked sometimes. But sometimes neither of these worked and it stayed stuck until participants logged out. But around 90% of the time we could fix it.

Also it happens not just when first starting up.

smburnett commented 8 years ago

I can't replicate it, but when I first opened the app yesterday this happened. It didn't happen when I re-opened it.