[x] Split into 3 tabs: one for "National", one for "Subnational epidemiological data" with the cases, and another one for "Subnational stock data" with the products (Jorge)
[x] Apply DE showName feature to subnational tabs
:art: Screenshots
:fire: Is there anything the reviewer should know to test it?
Metadata changes
Remember to assign orgunits for subnational data sets, if a subnational data set is not assigned to any org unit the tab will be hidden
cd /HEP-data-entry
yarn build
node lib/cli.js --url='http://user:pwd!@dhisUrl' --dataset-id='XBgvNrxpcDC' --module='snakebite'
Important: the command uploads all data set to the server.
Important: Sometimes to generate the custom form, age category options are duplicated in data elements. I think this is an API bug.
:pushpin: References
:memo: Implementation
:art: Screenshots
:fire: Is there anything the reviewer should know to test it?
Metadata changes
Remember to assign orgunits for subnational data sets, if a subnational data set is not assigned to any org unit the tab will be hidden
Data Store
add two new props subnationalStockDataDataSet and subnationalEpidemiologicalDataDataSet
To generate the custom form
Important: the command uploads all data set to the server. Important: Sometimes to generate the custom form, age category options are duplicated in data elements. I think this is an API bug.
:bookmark_tabs: Others