[x] Rename runAnalytics to runAnalyticsBefore in rules, params etc..
[x] Create migration to rename runAnalytics to runAnalyticsBefore in the rules store (constants in this case)
[x] Implement runAnalyticsAfter
:art: Screenshots
:fire: Is there anything the reviewer should know to test it?
The analytics execution after the sync is realized for all target instances in the sync rules. For the use case for MSF will be the local instance because always local instance is the target but if you configured different target instances execute analytics in all target instances
:bookmark_tabs: Others
Any change in the GUI library? If so, what branch/PR?
:pushpin: References
:memo: Implementation
:art: Screenshots
:fire: Is there anything the reviewer should know to test it?
The analytics execution after the sync is realized for all target instances in the sync rules. For the use case for MSF will be the local instance because always local instance is the target but if you configured different target instances execute analytics in all target instances
:bookmark_tabs: Others
Any change in the GUI library? If so, what branch/PR?
Any change in the D2 Api? If so, what branch/PR?