Added to all strings in donottranslate and strings-xx.xml the URLs and translations and finally on LoginActivityStrategy loaded those new variables
:boom: How can it be tested?
Use Case 1: Execute a full login and select advance settings in login, and the new staging server. Add the interceptor to HTTPClientFactory to see the URLs and jsons sent to the server and check that all URLs are the proper ones
:floppy_disk: Requires DB migration?
[x] Nope, we can just merge this branch.
[ ] Yes, but we need to apply it before merging this branch.
[ ] Yes, it's already applied.
:art: UI changes?
[x] Nope, the UI remains as beautiful as it was before!
:pushpin: References
:tophat: What is the goal?
Include a new server with all the related URLs
:gear: branches
app: Origin: maintenance/add-staging-server Target: v1.4_connect bugshaker-android: Origin: downgrade_gradle_version EyeSeeTea-sdk: Origin: Development
:memo: How is it being implemented?
Added to all strings in donottranslate and strings-xx.xml the URLs and translations and finally on LoginActivityStrategy loaded those new variables
:boom: How can it be tested?
Use Case 1: Execute a full login and select advance settings in login, and the new staging server. Add the interceptor to HTTPClientFactory to see the URLs and jsons sent to the server and check that all URLs are the proper ones
:floppy_disk: Requires DB migration?
:art: UI changes?