EyeSeeTea / pictureapp

Mobile application designed to report cases of malaria (to a DHIS2 server)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Maintenance/voucher code suffix #2442

Closed xurxodev closed 4 years ago

xurxodev commented 5 years ago

:pushpin: References

:gear: branches

app: Origin: maintenance/voucher_code_suffix Target: v1.4_connect bugshaker-android: Origin: downgrade_gradle_version
EyeSeeTea-SDK: Origin: development

:tophat: What is the goal?

Customize voucher codes in the format of: [vouchercode] + ‘’ + [servicecode1] (+ ‘’ + [service_codeX] ...)

:memo: How is it being implemented?

To every question with suffix should have the next structure:

    "dataPointRef": "serviceDesired_fplcoun",
     "voucherCodeSuffix": {
          "suffix": "MAC",
          "valueCondition": "YES"

:boom: How can it be tested?

Add suffix to questions in server configuration according to requirements document and login with user HN_TEST_IPC

UseCase 1: create a new survey with voucher uid and select Contraceptive methods counselling the visible voucher uid should be xxxxxx_MAC

UseCase 2: create a new survey with voucher uid and select Medical consultation the visible voucher uid should be xxxxxx_SSR

UseCase 3: create a new survey with voucher uid and select HIV testing the visible voucher uid should be xxxxxx_PVC

UseCase 4: create a new survey with voucher uid and select Citology the visible voucher uid should be xxxxxx_CIT

UseCase 5: create a new survey with voucher uid and select Other STI the visible voucher uid should be xxxxxx_ITS

UseCase 6: create a new survey with voucher uid and select Contraceptive methods counselling, Medical consultation, HIV testing, Citology and Other STI the visible voucher uid should be xxxxxx_MAC_SSR_PVC_CIT_ITS

Last, change variant to EreferralsStaging and run unit and instrumentation tests. Remember change variant againto EreferralsDebug

:floppy_disk: Requires DB migration?

:art: UI changes?