Modify a existed test to validate eReferralsApiClient does not fail when available api response contains extra keys
:memo: How is it being implemented?
I have created a new fake response api_available_ok_extra_keys.json file
I have modified return_success_result_when_api_response_contains_extra_keys test method of eReferralsAPIClientShould to enqueue api_available_ok_extra_keys.json mock response
:boom: How can it be tested?
Change build variant to ereferralsStaging
UseCase 1: execute return_success_result_when_api_response_contains_extra_keys test
Remember change build variant to erefferralsDebug again
:floppy_disk: Requires DB migration?
[x] Nope, we can just merge this branch.
[ ] Yes, but we need to apply it before merging this branch.
[ ] Yes, it's already applied.
:art: UI changes?
[x] Nope, the UI remains as beautiful as it was before!
:pushpin: References
:gear: branches
app: Origin: maintenance/add_api_available_endpoint_extra_keys_verification Target: v1.4_connect bugshaker-android: Origin: downgrade_gradle_version
EyeSeeTea-SDK: Origin: development
:tophat: What is the goal?
Modify a existed test to validate eReferralsApiClient does not fail when available api response contains extra keys
:memo: How is it being implemented?
:boom: How can it be tested?
Change build variant to ereferralsStaging
UseCase 1: execute return_success_result_when_api_response_contains_extra_keys test
Remember change build variant to erefferralsDebug again
:floppy_disk: Requires DB migration?
:art: UI changes?