Ezandora / Guide

Relay script for KoLmafia, for the web game Kingdom of Loathing. Gives advice on how to play.
The Unlicense
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Function 'have_familiar_replacement( familiar )' undefined error for the last couple of days. #2

Closed xxx closed 10 years ago

xxx commented 10 years ago

full error:

Function 'have_familiar_replacement( familiar )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (Hole in the Sky.ash, line 47)

Even after updating this persists.

Ezandora commented 10 years ago

Ah, are you using the development build instead of release? I tried to reproduce this via:

svn checkout https://github.com/Ezandora/Guide/trunk/Source/

on KoLmafia 16.2 release and on r13750. But that compiles and runs as-is. have_familiar_replacement() should be in Guide/Support/Library.ash.

Hmm. Try uninstalling/installing the script?

xxx commented 10 years ago

Hm, weird. Mafia says I'm at r100 when I svn update within the CLI (is that the correct rev?), but my installed Library.ash file is definitely missing that function. Uninstalling and re-checking out resolves the issue. I'm willing to point the finger at mafia's svn handling at this point.

Anyway, thanks for getting back to me.