Ezeer / JomTobo

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Image gallery #1

Open Ezeer opened 8 years ago

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

That thread is dedicated to the pictures meant to be used in that hub . ezgif com-gif-maker

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

well, this was a surprise, Ezee. :D

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

ah ah ah ... life is full of surprises . I am free here to do my things without disturbing someone , but someone is free to come disturb me . lol lol lol !

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

sorry if I disturbed you

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

hey ? i am joking ... about freedom Jon . come back please . ^^

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago


Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Freedom is good with love ! But is Love good without freedom ? Alone i am free but slave of lonelyness . Shall i live like a slave being free ? Slave driver : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlTFBHHF3IQ

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

I know......Loneliness is the price sometimes. We were born alone and naked. That's not bad, it is just what it is....

But you are not alone......I share some of your interests.......


Ezeer commented 8 years ago

ah ah ah ..... thanks ! The thing in her hands .... telechargement lol

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Well I'll give you a hand. What do I need to run the JOM?

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

The best would be you follow the instructions in jamtaba readme to have a dev environment . But you already said it's too much for you . All i can do for you to test is make releases that works with dlls under win32 . So if you like the adventure , you could help me to have this thing work with trials and fails . Also i am working on the standalone only . ( where i think to implement later the tracks we were talking about yesterday ) ;)

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

so same software.....OK.

Well. Jamtaba is great and I'm a big fan and user. I'm very interested in it being the best app, but there's little room for crazy ideas. Experimentation is for me a big engine to get my ass out of the chair. Elieser has a more conservative approach and that isn't enough for me to get on the coders bus after 30 years.

Your approach is different. Jomtobo maybe be slower dev, but "it's the question that drives us, neo"


Ezeer commented 8 years ago

great ! all is in the title . I noticed : him : " Jesus ! " her : " What ? "

lol ...

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

This weekend I'll get those apps installed. Do you think I should try to compile Jamtaba first?

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Yes ! And i am ready to help you to have that stuff work . ( perhaps using the chat ? ) You will be able to test the master of jamtaba like mine or branches . A lot of freedom for you then , but that need a little organization ( simple to setup when we know the steps ).

It's coool Jon ! ^^

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

thx, man.I'm a big fan of audio software and I'm very interested in learning and I know it's a lot of reading, so I will have a lot of stupid questions in the beginning.. don't despair!

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Don't worry , it's a joy the togetherness . What is stupid is not to ask but not to listen the answer . Perhaps ? ^^

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

well some people study a career just to have the title.....I've always tried to understand things and when I studied formally a career I was really disappointed because there was no interest in the question. Many friends are now engineers and I'm not, but my path it's been a journey trough life and I can understand many things I'm not sure they had time to dig out. It was the price I payed for my decision. And for me it was the right choice.

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Same here !

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

For the doc : capture-1 capture-2

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Asio support asio

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

ninbot partner logo-active

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

new login style capture-1

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

Ezee, I'm making some space now in my computer. Then I'll try to compile Jamtaba.

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

ok , if you need help we can use the chat : http://makeitezeeah.esy.es/jamtabachat/

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

k, I think I still need a couple of hours. Moving stuff is slow process....

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

a screenshot of readme step 3 for the folder dev setup : capture-1

the two builds folder are created by QT at build time .

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

My qt installer doesn't have the "Qt -> Qt 5.5 -> MinGW 4.9.2 32 bit Qt -> Tools -> MinGW 4.9.2 " option qt not there

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

open the Tools tab please

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

qt not there2

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago


qt not there2 1

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

what i've got following the download link with installer

capture-2 capture-3

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Steps that are not in the README , how to use GIT to clone the repo :

First create somewhere a folder named Jamtaba , then right click on it to see if GIT is installed by QT : ( if not , must be downloaded too here : https://git-for-windows.github.io/ )

result must be : capture-5

you will enter a clone command in the console that will open . You need to copy the url of the repo : capture-6

then paste it ( right click on the console ) after typing " git clone " , like this : capture-7

press enter , the download will start .

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

Once finished , you can close that console .

( remember to download the VST sdk and rename it before , step 3 of readme ! ) capture-11

And enter in the jamtaba/Client folder , to launch the Qt project :


Will see later how to update with the console your local repositery . First we nned to ensure that it compiles and run . ^^

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

OK I'm halfway the download. Is that the way to complile jomtobo too?

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

yeah , i'm coming : Once opened , you will have that screen ( after checking a page to setup the build )


And that should rock ! ( or roll , we'll see ... ^^ )

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

console bash

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

created a empty test folder : capture-12

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

jamtaba source tree

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

this is the screen you will have first in QT after a fresh clone : capture-13

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

compiling time ( check the box ) capture-14

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

qt snap

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

qt snap2

Ezeer commented 8 years ago

in case of problems , press that box capture-15

the errors are listed here

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

qt snap3

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

qt snap4

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

qt snap5

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

How to have status on a local repositery :

console snap1

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago

What to do after a code change in Qt :

console snap2

jonjamcam commented 8 years ago


Ezeer commented 8 years ago

congrats Jon ! You learned in 2 hours the content of a week . It is great you could clone a repo , pull the master , compile and run . More great when you successfully checkout the configurator branch and fixed yourself the compilation errors ( ok i played the guide ... ) Now you are ready to everything . Bravo !