EzekielEnns / Configs

a group of my personal config files, mostly for linux use
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adding a switcher dmenue script #17

Open EzekielEnns opened 6 months ago

EzekielEnns commented 6 months ago

i wanna remove tab names....... cause its prettier maybe bind a dmenu switcher

EzekielEnns commented 6 months ago



EzekielEnns commented 6 months ago

and for moving tabs: https://chat.openai.com/share/08214ee4-e251-4691-92a1-28efd2566d94


# Get a list of windows in the current workspace
windows=$(i3-msg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | objects | select(.window != null) | select(.workspace == "__focused__") | "\(.name)"')

# Use dmenu to display the window list and prompt the user to select one
selected_window=$(echo "$windows" | dmenu -i -p "Select a window:")

# Focus the selected window
i3-msg "[title=\"$selected_window\"] focus"