Ezward / Esp32CameraRover2

EzRover is a framework for building and programming inexpensive differential drive robots. The framework includes closed loop speed control, pose estimation and go to goal behavior. Behaviors can be added in JavaScript. The first hardware instantiation uses an ESP32cam, an L9110S DC Motor Driver and a cheap Robot Car chassis.
MIT License
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Improve camera frame rate #18

Open Ezward opened 2 years ago

Ezward commented 2 years ago

Camera frame rate is influences by

NOTE: the way memory is partitioned is important to make sure there is enough available for multiple frame buffers. The ESP32-Cam example sketches us the 'Huge APP' partition scheme. So we should make sure we've made enough memory available for our system to have multiple frame buffers. See https://iotespresso.com/how-to-set-partitions-in-esp32/ See this for how to set partition table in platformio https://community.platformio.org/t/partion-scheme-no-ota-with-platformio/13102/8 See relevant PlatformIO docs https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/platforms/espressif32.html#partition-tables


Donkeycar uses 160x120, so that might be what we want here. However 640x480 is much better quality for FPV, so maybe we want a way to switch between these two mode.

thet0ast3r commented 2 years ago

Hi, @Ezward , did you manage to find something about increasing the framerate? Im using arduino ide, and struggle with the driver. Greetings.