F1ATB / Remote-SDR

Remote control of 2 Software Design Radio. Receiver and transmitter. Based on Adalm-Pluto SDR or RTL-SDR or Hack RF SDR or SDRplay and signal processing using GNU Radio on Raspberry PI. GUI on a web browser.
GNU General Public License v3.0
140 stars 23 forks source link

Share expirience #41

Open Sergey-R5AU opened 6 months ago

Sergey-R5AU commented 6 months ago

Hi All !

i wonna to share my experience with RemSDR:

PM2 service not using in shared SW at beginning and better to disable this service and remove completely, as result it will be low CPU usage and removing packets dropout even with WiFi:

sudo pm2 stop all sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 unstartup systemd -u pi --hp /home/pi sudo pm2 unstartup sudo npm remove pm2 -g sudo reboot

That all folks !

my screen short with 2 x RPI + 2 x Pluto: RSDR1

RSDR2 mainPART ![Uploading RSDR3.jpg…]()

BTW Cooler usage may be more efficient based on RPI defaults, means this feature can be disabled in RemSDR SW:

boot/overlays/README put into /boot/config.txt : dtoverlay=gpio-fan,gpiopin=12,temp=45000,hyst=40000

gpio PIN=12 will put in High state in case 45 Celsius of CPU and sett Low state with 40 Celcius of CPU works without issues

Name: gpio-fan Info: Configure a GPIO pin to control a cooling fan. Load: dtoverlay=gpio-fan,= Params: gpiopin GPIO used to control the fan (default 12) temp Temperature at which the fan switches on, in millicelcius (default 55000) hyst Temperature delta (in millicelcius) below temp at which the fan will drop to minrpm (default 10000)

Sergey-R5AU commented 6 months ago

Other cases what recognized with Rapsberry: To maximise live cycle i am using RPi with SSD connected to USB Unfortunately, some time UDP transmission drops packets that we can see on Packets Datagram on RemSDR screen(upper-left corner), this is result effects of the different things related to RPI and SSD. I spend couple of time and completely isolate that issues even in case connection via WiFI:

  1. Some SSD are not supported in operation via USB3 on RPI, in that case necessary to introduce QUIRK mode for SSD:

i used solution from here what useful: https://io.24hoursmedia.com/tech-notes/usb-ssd-fails-usb3-raspberry-pi-4

  1. In case sending many datagram with UDP packet ethernet buffer on default could be not enough for such operations, solution: Increasing value of buffer. Current value of the buffer you can see like: sudo sysctl -a | grep rmem To increase the value need to put necessary value into the file /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf

    sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf I set : net.core.rmem_default =524288 net.core.rmem_max = 524288

Then: sudo reboot

Works like a charm !

PS: tested during over 48hr via WiFi and OpenVPN