F1ash / dnscrypt-proxy-gui

Qt/KF5 GUI wrapper over dnscrypt-proxy
GNU General Public License v2.0
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change ports doesn't work #4

Closed omni6 closed 7 years ago

omni6 commented 7 years ago

That is not all. Now you can change ports for job and testing responds. But new version not released, because yet need to implement check and change used ports at start. Because after update application from repository systemd units will contains default ports.

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy -a -R %i doesnt work! to change ports dnscrypt-proxy.socket must be changed...

look here: Arch Wiki

just for interest, for what is port for testing server responds used?

F1ash commented 7 years ago

just for interest, for what is port for testing server responds used?

port for testing server responds is 53535 by application default, but that port can be any for usage.

to change ports dnscrypt-proxy.socket must be changed...

# rpm -q --filesbypkg dnscrypt-proxy dnscrypt-proxy /etc/dnscrypt-proxy.conf dnscrypt-proxy /etc/dnscrypt-proxy.conf.example dnscrypt-proxy /usr/bin/hostip dnscrypt-proxy /usr/include/dnscrypt dnscrypt-proxy /usr/include/dnscrypt/plugin.h dnscrypt-proxy /usr/include/dnscrypt/private.h dnscrypt-proxy /usr/include/dnscrypt/version.h dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy/libdcplugin_example.la dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy/libdcplugin_example.so dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy/libdcplugin_example_cache.la dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy/libdcplugin_example_cache.so dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy/libdcplugin_example_logging.la dnscrypt-proxy /usr/lib64/dnscrypt-proxy/libdcplugin_example_logging.so dnscrypt-proxy /usr/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy dnscrypt-proxy /usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy dnscrypt-proxy /usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv dnscrypt-proxy /usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/minisign.pub dnscrypt-proxy /usr/share/man/man8/dnscrypt-proxy.8.gz dnscrypt-proxy /usr/share/man/man8/hostip.8.gz

in Fedora that socket is absent.

F1ash commented 7 years ago

i wrote to bugzilla... Maybe it will be solved soon.

jedisct1 commented 7 years ago

In order to be compatible with more distributions, and possibly with BSD systems, maybe don't require dnscrypt-proxy.socket at all? The static binaries don't include support for systemd sockets.

If available, systemd can still be used to spawn the service, but systemd is not required to listen to UDP and TCP ports.

F1ash commented 7 years ago

not clear... in fedora without systemd units in dnscrypt-proxy package all works right -- if i change "job" port then dnscrypt-proxy get DNS data, but application not get it (because uses 53 port by default). And that are works without dnscrypt-proxy.socket. If need change the some ports , then application cannot check all variants.

omni6 commented 7 years ago

ha lol, edited the DNSCryptClient@.service ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy -a -u dnscrypt -R %i

everything works now. look here: arch (just my?) file permissions for var:

rwxr-xr-x  3 root root     4096 10.03.2017 17:10 db/
drwx------  2 root dnscrypt 4096 21.02.2017 20:21 dnscrypt/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     4096 30.09.2015 21:17 empty/

if dnscrypt is executed from the gui it needs also set to user dnscrypt portchanging is now working.

can you implementrun as user option? i think this will do the trick...

F1ash commented 7 years ago

Why 'dnscrypt' ? Maybe a current session user?

omni6 commented 7 years ago

yeh at installation i followed recommended instructions in arch wiki. dnscrypt runs with root privileges

omni6 commented 7 years ago

for security reasons own user/group

F1ash commented 7 years ago

hmmm... ok, i will try, but only as optional parameter.

F1ash commented 7 years ago


omni6 commented 7 years ago

yep, fantastic!