F1ash / qt-virt-manager

Qt Virtual machines manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Spice qemu connection with socket #28

Closed g3ngr33n closed 6 years ago

g3ngr33n commented 6 years ago


I would like to known if you can add the possibility to connect with qt5-remote-viewer trough socket ?

It work fine using spice://ip:port but doesn't work spice:///spice.sock (or spice+unix:///spice.sock), look like the port is mandatory

F1ash commented 6 years ago

In Viewer connection trough socket not implemented yet...

F1ash commented 6 years ago

if you can build application, then you can probe the last changes 51a939259933a7f140f66e445ccd6a008f723ddc (implemented for both internal\external Spice\VNC Viewers )

g3ngr33n commented 6 years ago

I most certainly can (emerge qt-virt-manager)

I will post a comment once the build will finish and tested

Thank you for your work

g3ngr33n commented 6 years ago

Using : spice:///?socket=/home/tux/spice.sock

Return : QNativeSocketEngine::bind() was not called in QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState

Qemu is started as follow

/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \ -monitor stdio \ -cpu Skylake-Client \ -vga qxl \ -spice unix,addr=/home/tux/spice.sock,disable-ticketing,gl=on \ -machine accel=kvm \ -m 1004 \ -hda /home/tux/.aqemu/Ubuntu_HDA.img \ -boot once=c,menu=off \ -net nic,vlan=0 \ -net user,vlan=0 \ -rtc base=localtime \ -name "Ubuntu"

F1ash commented 6 years ago

Need to check if libvirt create that socket for VM graphics (on runned VM)... When i checked it then i not set Socket (sill empty field) and libvirt created it automatically in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/... This case must works.

F1ash commented 6 years ago

my probe to create graphic socket in $HOME is failed. Libvirt create socket in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/ and when i call Viewer from app then Viewer display VM graphics.

g3ngr33n commented 6 years ago

You right, it is working very well using qt5-virt-manager, socket all good. I did not see how deep the options was very good job !

There is one thing doesn't work yet is :

libvirt: QEMU Driver error : unsupported configuration: qxl 3d acceleration is not supported

I cannot use 3D acceleration, do you have any idea about it ?

F1ash commented 6 years ago

if driver not support that then not use 3d acceleration (uncheck it in VM settings). Hmm.. 2d acceleration not supported in QXL too... Try another drivers. But i don't know about driver's acceleration. You can ask about in IRC

g3ngr33n commented 6 years ago

It's ok I will find a way. Keep it up !

You should add cryptocurrency to your donation, yandex.ru does not accept credit card from my country :)

F1ash commented 6 years ago

maybe later ... :) then i close issue.