F1ash / qt-virt-manager

Qt Virtual machines manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
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VM viewer toolbar changes window size when attached to window #33

Closed bitlord closed 6 years ago

bitlord commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce: When you open a VM viewer, move the mouse to the top, toolbar shows up, you grab it by the left handle (click) and drag it to top, left or right of the window, it allows to be attached to the window. After you attach it, VM viewer window starts resizing/shrinking, and in the end toolbar detaches in most situations (all?).

I'm not sure if this also causes toolbar not to follow the window anymore. (related, or different bug)

Currently I'm running this on gentoo unstable (~amd64), qtcore-5.9.4 and plasma desktop.

Quick edit: I'm running git snapshot from today.

rapgro commented 6 years ago

Reproducible with version 0.53.83 in Fedora 27.

F1ash commented 6 years ago

I decide to drop attaching toolbar for avoid resizing loop... try the 0.57.86 version (at evening).