F1ash / qt-virt-manager

Qt Virtual machines manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
232 stars 71 forks source link

Segmentation fault on kde plasma 6 #56

Open wen-zheng opened 2 months ago

wen-zheng commented 2 months ago

I got the following message after running qt5-virt-manager using gdb, debug message:

Thread 1 "qt5-virt-manage" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. QArrayDataPointer<char16_t>::ref (this=0x7fffffffd1d0) at /usr/include/qt6/QtCore/qarraydatapointer.h:412 Downloading source file /usr/include/qt6/QtCore/qarraydatapointer.h 412 size = dst - begin();

maybe there are some imcompatible apis.

while this project seems to be dead, right?

wen-zheng commented 2 months ago

note: I am on fedora 40 kde spin

wen-zheng commented 2 months ago

someone has already reported this issue to Redhat:
