F33RNI / GPT-Telegramus

💜 The best free Telegram bot for ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot (aka Bing AI / Sidney / EdgeGPT), Microsoft Copilot Designer (aka BingImageCreator), Gemini and Groq with stream writing, requests with images, multiple languages, admin control, data logging and more!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add proxy option for Telegram. #141

Closed Aqaao closed 2 months ago

Aqaao commented 4 months ago

Implementing this is simple. The following is the document of python-telegram-bot. Just load proxy url from config.json or environment variables. https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/wiki/Working-Behind-a-Proxy

from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder

# "USERNAME:PASSWORD@" is optional, if you need authentication:
proxy_url = 'http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT'  # can also be a https proxy
app = ApplicationBuilder().token("TOKEN").proxy(proxy_url).get_updates_proxy(proxy_url).build()
F33RNI commented 3 months ago


F33RNI commented 3 months ago

Can u please check?

Aqaao commented 2 months ago


It work well. thank you😘.